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originally published september 11, 2022

pairing: knight!steven grant x fem!princess!reader x knight!marc spector x knight!jake lockley

series summary: you were a princess who would rather be anything but a royal; he was the knight her father forced her to marry—a true match made in hell if there ever was one. but, as the wedding inches closer and closer, it seems that, perhaps, your father had finally done something right by you.

chapter summary: the last thing the boys are going to do is sit on their ass and wait for someone else to rescue you.

word count: 4,248

warnings?: not proofread

"We're not waiting for them to do something," Marc said

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"We're not waiting for them to do something," Marc said.

Layla looked at him, her exhaustion clear in her eyes. It had been four hours, thirty minutes, and twenty-eight seconds since the call with Prime Minister Wilson. The appropriate law enforcement had been notified, the capital and its surrounding cities had been put on lockdown. But neither Layla nor Marc were allowed to be part of the investigation. They were too close, they'd been told. Their emotions would cloud their judgment. If they were needed, they'd be notified. Otherwise...They had to sit and wait.

And that's what they had done for the last four hours, thirty-one minutes, and fifteen seconds. Marc was sick of it. He couldn't stand the arguing from Steven and Jake, Jake who was insistent that they raise hell until you were found and Steven who was shouting that they had to find you, they needed to find you, you were counting on them. It took everything in Marc to not rip his hair out from the roots between them and his own inner turmoil.

We need to get her, Marc. We need to save her, Steven said. She already thinks we're gonna leave her. We can't let her think we'll leave her for dead.

I know Steven, Marc said back. I know that as well as you do. But we need Layla's support in this. So we have to be careful, okay?

Layla will go along with it, Jake said. Just tell her what you're planning, and she'll agree. Okay? She's a smart woman. She cares about our dove as much as we do. She'll do what's right.

Marc hated when Jake was so self-assured. It almost made him miss the days when Jake was the strong, silent type, the alter who only fronted when necessary. But, Marc supposed they needed this kind of self-assurance. This plan wasn't going to work if any of them had doubts, after all.

"And do what, Marc? March up to the palace, break down the door, and threaten the king until he gives us the information we want?" Layla fought the urge to roll her eyes. "It's the king's plan, sure. But he's smart. Conniving. He says he wants something done, but he doesn't want to know the details. Hell, I'm sure he's very careful about wording the things he wants done so that he can avoid liability. He's a bad man, yes, but he's a smart one, too."

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