414 22 6

originally published october 16, 2022

pairing: knight!steven grant x fem!princess!reader x knight!marc spector x knight!jake lockley

series summary: you were a princess who would rather be anything but a royal; he was the knight her father forced her to marry—a true match made in hell if there ever was one. but, as the wedding inches closer and closer, it seems that, perhaps, your father had finally done something right by you.

chapter summary: the hearing begins, and things aren't entirely what they seem. (but that is not a bad thing.)

word count: 3,980

warnings?: inaccurate depiction of legal proceedings, a plot twist perhaps, pet name (dove)

The longer you were gone from the palace, the more you realized that being a traditional royal was far from what you ever could have wanted

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The longer you were gone from the palace, the more you realized that being a traditional royal was far from what you ever could have wanted. You always held a bit of disdain towards the position. You had attributed it to never being able to live up to Benjamin's impossibly high expectations. The idea of sitting around, smiling just right, saying just the right words, going out and doing the sort of things that were noncontroversial... It bothered you. Being a royal did not come with many powers. But it did provide an avenue to bring about actual change. You couldn't deny that what you did, people would follow. You'd seen enough businesses sell out of a particular clothing item after you were photographed wearing it to know that. If that was true for clothing of all things, did it not follow that if you advocated for policy change, people would follow? Granted, policy was far more controversial. But isn't all change for the good?

If all went well, if you did become Queen, you swore you would do something good with your position.

But, with that thought, came the doubts. Benjamin was a crafty man. You couldn't deny that. How else could he get away with hiding the illegitimacy of Kieran's birth? How else could he hide away Kieran's birth mother? How else could he have you poisoned? How else could he have you kidnapped? The more you thought, the more you were confronted with the very real possibility that Benjamin would remain king. That he would remain free. That Kieran would ascend to the throne. That you would live in fear for the rest of your life—which may be far shorter than you could ever anticipate if Benjamin had anything to do about it.

It was hard to distract yourself from those sorts of thoughts. It was even harder with the hearing being so soon. It was the night before the hearing, and you were about to lose your mind.

You were wrapped up in a blanket, sitting on the couch, watching the news. Cleo was curled up in your lap, nuzzling her head into your hand as you pet her.

"Do you think they would say anything if I brought you with me?" you asked Cleo.

She looked up at you, her wide eyes blinking slowly. "Mew?"

"Yeah, they might. I don't think they would stop me though. I think I could get away with a lot considering it's partially the Parliament's fault that I was kidnapped," you said. "Maybe if I cried, they would leave me be...It wouldn't be difficult to start crying on command."

DO NOT CHASTISE THE DOVE (A MOON KNIGHT ROYAL AU)Where stories live. Discover now