689 36 17

originally published august 18, 2022

pairing: knight!steven grant x fem!princess!reader x knight!marc spector x knight!jake lockley

series summary: you were a princess who would rather be anything but a royal; he was the knight her father forced her to marry—a true match made in hell if there ever was one. but, as the wedding inches closer and closer, it seems that, perhaps, your father had finally done something right by you.

chapter summary: the pieces start to come together.

word count: 3,449

warnings?: discussion of affair, discussion of dubcon, mention of miscarriage, shitty police officer, mention of anxiety, not proofread

warnings?: discussion of affair, discussion of dubcon, mention of miscarriage, shitty police officer, mention of anxiety, not proofread

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It was almost scary how much Charlotte looked like Kieran. Some part of you had deluded yourself that perhaps it was a trick of the light in the photo, something that was misleading about their likeness. But, staring her in the face now...Looking at the same slope of the nose, the same color eyes, the same hair color...It made it incredibly obvious how little Kieran looked like you and your mother, how he only barely looked like your father.

Charlotte sunk into a curtsy as you stood in front of her. "Your Highness."

"Please, don't do that. I don't like those kinds of formalities," you said. She rose back up, her hands clasped in front of her. You'd seen the maids stand in a similar position many times over the years as they waited to be directed to do a job. Old habits die hard, you supposed. You held your hand out to her, and said, "I'm Y/N. This is my fiancé Marc, and my bodyguard Layla. And I'm sure you already know Jessica. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Charlotte, ma'am. Please, come inside," she said, shaking your hand.

Charlotte's home was quaint. It wasn't much bigger than the safe house, and it was styled in a similar minimalist manner. You wondered if that was truly Charlotte's decorating style, or if it was just another way for your father to exert control over her. Even with her being hidden away from the rest of the kingdom, he still had her pinned under his thumb. She led all of you to the living room, taking a seat in an armchair, inviting the rest of you to make yourselves comfortable. You sat between Marc and Layla on the couch, Jessica electing to sit on the arm of the couch next to Layla.

"I'm sure you have many questions," Charlotte said to you. "I don't know how much Jessica has explained to you or how much you've figured out on your own, but you can ask me anything you wish."

"I don't know where to begin," you admitted. It was all still such a surprise to you. To have it confirmed that your family had been waiting to kill you and finding out that your brother was the child of an affair and that affair had been hidden all these years? All in one day? It was overwhelming to say the least. "...Why don't you tell me how the story starts?"

DO NOT CHASTISE THE DOVE (A MOON KNIGHT ROYAL AU)Where stories live. Discover now