chapter 10 - Lilly Everitt

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Louis and I walk to the library, which is close to my art class. I would have expected it to be silent and awkward, but i'm surprisingly comfortable and we have a great conversation going. 

"So, you lived with your mum, then?" He asked.

"Yea, and my brother, Jack. He's 7. And his hamster named Kick."

"He named his hamster kick?" He laughs.

I giggle. "Yea, its quite abnormal."

"Interesting." He mutters.

"What about you?" I questioned.

"I live with my mum and dad, and I've got 2 sisters, Issie's older than me by 2 years, and Millie's younger than me by 3. We've also got a cat and dog."

"Aw, I've always wanted a dog, but my mom's afraid its gonna eat Kick. I'm waiting for him to die but he's been alive for a strange amount of time.."

He acts shocked. "I cant believe you right now."

I fake pout. "Oops, i'm sorry."


The library is quite the sight to see. There are so many shelves stacked full of books, old and new, and the furniture and lighting is so elegant that i'm afraid i might break something, even though there's nothing to break. 

Louis and I walk around for a little while, and i check out a new book; Three Dark Crowns. 

"We should go back to my dorm, I'll put my book away and get my schedule, then we can find my classes."

He nods. "Boys aren't allowed in the girls' dorms, obviously, so i'll wait outside."

"Oh right, i don't know why that didn't cross my mind," I blush at the thought.

We find our way to the room that leads to the girls' dorms, and Louis waits outside. I quickly rush to my room, not wanting to leave him waiting, and get my schedule. 

When i find Louis again, there's a girl next to him. She's obviously attempting to flirt. I look at her from a distance. She's very pretty, with golden hair that flows effortlessly, and her emerald green eyes are more enchanting than any I've ever seen. My heart sinks to my stomach. She must be so much prettier than me. 

But then i look at Louis, who is looking the most uncomfortable I've ever seen him to be, and he's usually so zen. He catches my eye and urges me over, and i slowly walk towards him. 

"Aye, there's my cue. I gotta go, Lilly. See ya." He mutters half heartedly. 

The girl, who i guess is named Lilly, looks crestfallen.

Then he grabs my arm and rushes us away.

"Lilly Everitt. I've been going to this school since the start of high school and she has never, not once, gotten the hint that i don't like her, never have, and absolutely never  will," he mumbles.

Before i know what i'm saying, i blurt out ; "How can you not? She's heavenly.." I realize what I've said and go beet red. 

"She's just.. not my type." He mutters, refusing to make eye contact with me. "Now come on, let me have a look at your classes."

"Shes just.. not my type". That makes me wonder. If she's not his type, then who is? Am i his type? I'm nothing compared to her, how would I ever even fall onto the list? 

𝔞 𝔟𝔬𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔰𝔠𝔥𝔬𝔬𝔩 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢Where stories live. Discover now