Meeting the Justice League

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A blonde girl in her mid-teens was lying on her back on a bed with several wires connecting her to various medical machines. A strange assortment of people was gathered around her bed, looking at her curiously. Superman in his red and blue costume, a green-skinned humanoid wearing a blue cape, another man in a bat-themed suit, a scantily-clad athletic woman, a masked woman with angel-like wings, a Green Lantern wearing his Corps' traditional uniform, and lastly, a man in a red suit and mask with a lightning motif on his chest.

"What's with those gaudy costumes? Void, it's so cringe! I'm getting goosebumps." Naruto muttered and raised the sleeve of his right arm to show the fox on his shoulder proof of his words. (1)

Kyuubi snickered when he saw Naruto's hairs standing on his forearm and his skin looking like that of a chicken.

While Naruto and Kyuubi were talking among themselves in their native language, the green-skinned man spoke:

"Her vitals are stable. The condition of her body is remarkably good. She's brimming with vitality. If you did not tell me that she had been in cryo-sleep for nearly 30 years I would not believe it. Now, we just have to wait for her to wake up naturally."

"You don't need to thank me," Naruto said complacently. "I wouldn't mind a bonus to my paycheck tho."

The other seven people in the room all looked at him, their faces displaying various emotions. Some looked at him with curiosity, others with wariness while others with a helpless look on their faces.

When the Almeracian ship appeared on the Watchtower's radar and Superman contacted the Martian Manhunter to give them access, upon getting down from the ship, nobody questioned Superman in regards to who were the visitors at his side because they could see the unconscious girl in his arms and the urgent expression on his face. But now that things settled down, they naturally became curious.

Anticipating their questions, Superman said:

"We should let the girl rest in silence. We'll discuss more in the conference room."

"Let me get this straight: you took the Javelin without telling anyone anything, went off chasing a crazy alien bounty hunter, got yourself captured and then ended up destroying the Javelin in a brawl and also with a debt of almost 4 million dollars?!" Green Lantern, a middle-aged black man shouted at the top of his lungs, his voice betraying his disbelief.

Given that Green Lanterns were the protectors of the Universe, John Stewart was naturally aware of what a unit mass represented for aliens. 1 mass unit was equal to 1 kg (2.2 pounds). Converting 70 mass units of gold into US dollars, the final result was that Superman had a debt of over 4 million dollars.

"Holy Molly...!" Flash gasped.

While Wonder Woman seemed not fully aware of just how huge that amount of money was - although she had left Paradise Island a bit more than 2 months ago she had yet to truly interact with the society of the 'world of men' - Batman was massaging both of his temples with his hands.

In contrast, a certain Thanagarian woman could not help herself.


She tried to mask it by coughing in her hand but when she took a look at the mixture of awkwardness and shame on Superman's face, all her restraint disappeared.

"Ahahah!" she laughed out loud, beating the conference table with her palm.

"Hawkgirl! This is no laughing matter!" Green Lantern barked.

But Green Lantern's outrage only made her laugh harder.

"Dude, over 4 million?! This is plain robbery!" Flash said while looking at Naruto wide-eyed.

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