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Numbering in the thousands, humanoid, with pitch-black skin, faces and wings like those of a bat, and with vicious claws on each of their forelimbs - it was a horde of lesser demons. Souls of the damned which, after millennia of torture and punishment, had become insane and turned into bloodthirsty demons.

A massive crimson fox with nine equally enormous tails was wreaking havoc in the demon horde's ranks. Each tail would reduce the dozens of demons to a bloody paste with every sweep. Though they had become insane, it was not as though they no longer had any intelligence left. Seeing their kin being obliterated so easily, the horde gave the behemoth a wide berth. From a distance, hundreds of them opened their maws and hundreds of fire bolts were shot at the bijuu.

"Using fire against ME? Imbeciles!" Kyuubi roared with laughter.

His enormous mouth opened and a massive torrent of fire covered the entire plateau. Nearly 500 demons were annihilated with a single attack. Not even ash was left behind them. Flames hotter than the sun erased them from existence. As they were souls and this was Tartarus, they would eventually be regenerated to suffer more torture but that was not going to happen in the immediate future.

Naruto and Wonder Woman were not watching idly either. He went through a short sequence of hand seals and the air distorted as a ball of pressurized wind was shot from his mouth.

"Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere!"

As the ball of wind travelled through the air, its size continued to increase to the point where it was as large as a car. Then, it exploded. All demons in a 50 feet radius from the centre of the explosion were reduced to mincemeat.

"Show off." Wonder Woman said, almost pouting.

One on one, she had been able to fight on equal grounds even against an enraged Kryptonian; her strength was not questionable. However, she did not have many means of causing mass destruction, area of effect spells or techniques. From the corner of her eyes, she was looking in slight envy at how easily Naruto dispatched tens of demons with any random attack. In contrast, with her god-slaying sword in her right hand and her golden lasso in her left, she could only kill 2-3 of them at a time.

"I'm not showing off. I'm actually being lazy." he said.

His hands went through another short sequence of hand seals and dozens of feet long rock spikes burst from the ground, impaling the unsuspecting demons charging at him.

"If I was to get serious, I'd make a few hundred clones and blast them all with a barrage of Rasengan. Or go into my chakra mode and nuke them all with a bijuudama."

As he was speaking, his hands stayed busy, continuing forming hand seals and casting various wind, lightning, and earth techniques. He stood in one place leisurely as wind blades, lightning bolts and earth spikes caused a massacre amidst the demons' ranks.

Wonder Woman flicked the blood off her sword and sheathed it. She felt as if she was riding a bus. Kyuubi was killing hundreds of demons per minute without breaking a sweat and Naruto was lazily killing dozens at a time too. With or without her number of kills it was pretty much the same. Instead of wasting her energy fruitlessly she came next to Naruto to chat with him.

'I used to be terrified at the thought of Tartarus before.' she thought inwardly amused.

While most people on Earth did not care or believe that hell existed, the Amazons had solid proof it existed. After all, they were guarding its very gates. Having the certainty that there was an inescapable place of eternal suffering and damnation in the afterlife was enough to instil fear into anyone's heart.

'To think that one day I would come to Tartarus, not as a departed spirit but to kill Hades, the God of Underworld...'

She was marvelling at how much her situation changed ever since Naruto and Kyuubi came into her life.

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