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The Bijuu Empire, ruled by the God of Destruction, Truth, and Justice, Kurama has expanded greatly in a short period of time, in a matter of years extending well beyond the borders of the Vega System. Hundreds of different species of people, living on dozens of different planets worship the Ten Tailed Fox God Who, in spite of His epithet as a God of Destruction, is a benevolent and fair God, one that His subjects adore.

The headquarters of the Bijuu Empire is located on planet Karna, in the Vega System and the capital city of this planet was named Great Naruto City in honour of God Kurama's brother, God Naruto. Not much is known about This mysterious God except that He is married to a silver-haired Goddess and that the two of Them like to wander the Universe, in the guise of mercenaries. But it is clear that God Kurama holds the greatest form of respect and love for Him.

Great Naruto City is an enormous metropolis spanning over 20k square miles. Contrary to how most large cities in other advanced civilisations from all over the Universe look like, Great Naruto City does not consist of countless skyscrapers nor does it show visible signs of pollution and there are no slums at the outskirts either. A peculiar characteristic of this city is that none of the buildings is allowed to have more than 9 floors above the ground.

The presence of an All-Knowing and All-Seeing God makes this city a utopia. That is not to say that there are no fights and arguments among family members, lovers, coworkers etc. However, there are no violent crimes, no corruption, no human trafficking and no other heinous acts. Anyone that commits such grave crimes, no matter how important, wealthy or powerful they are, they are instantly executed with but a thought of God Kurama. Such is the situation not just in Great Naruto City but all across the territory of the Bijuu Empire too.

This kind of order, unity, and prosperity are extremely rare in the Universe at large, almost unheard of. This reality coupled with the fact that God Kurama's religion does not have any stringent laws and rituals, every month, leaders from new planets are willingly coming to pay their respects to the Ten-Tailed Fox God and ask him to take their homeworlds under His rule. The Bijuu Empire's borders are expanding extremely fast without God Kurama or the military might of the empire taking any specific actions. Last month, the president of Morn planet from Altair System and the Queen of Ars planet from Sirius System became vassals of the empire as well.


"Finally over." a young girl said and let out a sigh of relief. It felt strange for her to talk in such a reverent manner about her own family but she had to in order to keep up the pretence of an ordinary girl at school. None of her classmates knew that she was the daughter of two gods, that she was a young little goddess herself, of that the all-mighty God Kurama was her adorable uncle.

"Uncle Kurama, I finished my homework!" she yelled and jumped up from her chair, flying out of the room.

Still flying, the girl burst from one room to another like a small hurricane, startling all the attendants she passed by. But when she was about to enter the personal quarters of Kurama, a yellow-skinned old man with orange hair and dressed in red robes cut in her way and bowed respectfully.

"Princess. I'm afraid my Lord is meditating now. He usually does not like to be disturbed in such moments."

"But he promised we'd play after I finish my homework!" the girl whined. "I even wrote the essay for the History class as he wanted, praising how great he and his empire are! I didn't write the truth about how he's a lazy bum that does nothing but sleep the whole day!"

The old attendant started sweating bullets at the young girl's words. If said by anyone else, it would probably be seen as blasphemy. That young girl, however, had a very special status.

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