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"Gordanians? Why are they here?!"

The words came out of Hawkgirl mouth. Originally, she was more than ready to start brawling against the masked alien mercenary but the moment the immense hologram of the Gordanian ship's commander appeared in the sky, she immediately changed her mind. She was not the only one either - Green Lantern was of the same mind as well. Though the Gordanian Intergalactic Empire was from outside the 3600 space sectors regulated by the Green Lantern Corps, most of the Green Lanterns were aware of their evil deeds.

"Superman, we are focusing on the wrong guy." Green Lantern transmitted through his earpiece. He was currently flying very high up in the air, in front of the Gordanian ship together with Martian Manhunter and Wonder Woman. "I've heard about the Gordanians before. They're-"

Hawkgirl cut him in the middle and continued his words:

"-an intergalactic empire hell-bent on conquering and enslaving the galaxy. My people, the Thanagarians, have been at war against them for generations! They're the worst scum of the Universe, pieces of trash that conquer planets and sell their inhabitants as slaves!"

Her voice was quivering with anger. The hate in her voice could not be faked...her hatred for Gordanians had been ingrained in her since she was a frail child. They were her race's archenemy.

It did not take a genius to realize that the alien girl was an escaped slave from one of the worlds enslaved by the Gordanians. They also reached the conclusion that the mercenary had no intention to harm her given that he had not attacked her and had only put her to sleep.

Nevertheless, Naruto had no way of knowing what the Justice League was talking about amongst themselves. When Superman got within a 25 feet long distance from him, he thought that they were finally going to attack him.

"I've warned you, boy. I gave you a chance to back away. You only have yourself to blame!" he spoke coldly.

"Wait-" Superman began to say. He wanted to momentarily cease their hostilities in order to deal with the Gordanians' attack first but his change of heart had come a little too late.

The masked mercenary spread his feet in a wider stance and his legs bent slightly from the knees. Then, he slapped his hands together like in prayer and his fur-collared black cloak began to float and billow despite the absence of any wind, revealing the combat suit he was wearing underneath. A terrible aura started to ooze out of his body and a great feeling of danger assaulted Superman's sharp senses. But he was left with no room to react at all before he found himself losing his equilibrium and getting slammed against the ground.

He was not the only one. On a radius of 600 feet around the praying Naruto, all living beings fell flat on their face against the ground. Only a few moments later, the nearly one hundred Gordanians that had been flying in the air before were smashed against the ground too, cracking the streets with their bodies and splattering the surrounding cars and buildings with their blood. Fortunately, there were no civilians around as they had evacuated the entire district from the moment that Koriand'r had started to crazily blow up everything around her. But the ones present at the scene - the Gordanians, the Justice League and the 4 local heroes of Jump City were not as lucky.

"What is this?!" Flash said as he tried to push against the ground with his hands but he fell back with a thud that almost knocked him out cold. He was finding it hard to even breathe. An invisible force was pulling at his internal organs and his blood was churning. Hawkgirl was similarly flat against the rooftop of a building; her superior Thanagarian constitution made her having it easier than Flash but she could still not move even an inch from where she stood. As for Batman, he was on the brink of death, barely holding onto his consciousness.

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