Crisis 2

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"I've told you about Themyscira. What about you? Where do you come from?" Wonder Woman asked curiously.

After talking to Naruto about the worries and frustration weighing on her, she became noticeably calmer and more relaxed. With fewer things clouding her mind, she was free now to think about other things as well and that moment looked like the perfect opportunity to find out more about him. Any information she could get in regards to him might prove to be very useful for the Justice League later on.

"My homeworld revolved around the use of chakra. To put it simply, controlling the elements of nature with magic. Because of that, we called it the Elemental Nations. As for where it is, I don't know. An enemy of mine, because she could not defeat me, pushed me into a dimensional portal. It's been almost 98 years since then; all this time I've been searching for a way back home but to no avail. I have given up on it...even if I did find a way back home right now, of what use would it be anymore? By now, everyone I've ever known would be dead."

What he said was very depressing but his expression was serene. He had come to terms with it. Almost a century of being obsessed with it was more than enough. Thanks to Kyuubi, he had finally let go of it half a year ago.

"So your people don't live as long as you do?"

"Most people back in my homeworld were regular humans, just like the ones on Earth. I was not much different when I was born either. It's through years and years of bitter training that regular people could become superhuman back on my planet - we called ourselves shinobi. But shinobi didn't live long lives. Our world was ridden with wars: 4 world wars took place in less than 8 decades. Heck, just in 4 years, my nation was invaded two times and even razed to the ground. Most shinobi didn't pass the age of 60. There was too much war, too much killing. Even so, it was my home."

Wonder Woman could not mask her surprise.

"You were an ordinary human too? You mean that everyone can achieve that kind of strength just through training?!"

Kyuubi stopped eating at that moment and snorted.

"Hng, as if! He forgot to say that he is the reincarnation of the son of a god and that I was his source of power for over 40 years. No regular human could ever reach that level of power. Most shinobi were so weak that I could kill hundreds of them with just a swipe of my tails."

Naruto scratched the back of his head and chuckled.

"He's right. That's also why I look like this," he admitted and gestured to his face. Hard work had was a major reason why he became so powerful but he could not downplay the importance of his background as Ashura's reincarnation or Kyuubi's Jinchuuriki either.

At that, her eyes were involuntarily drawn to the dark scars on his cheeks and the slit pupils and red irises of his eyes. She was not sure what the fox's words meant exactly but when she was about to ask another question, Martian Manhunter's voice rang in her mind:

"Wonder Woman, it's me, J'onn J'onzz. After we arrested Lex Luthor in Metropolis, a portal appeared and someone that looked just like me came out. It was me from another dimension, similar to ours. Now we're all crossing over to their dimension to help them with their crisis but Batman thought you ought to know that and stay vigilant."

"Wait, J'onn!"

She wanted to ask for more details but their mental connection was severed because Martian Manhunter and Batman stepped through the portal crossing into the other dimension. She stood up from the table and said:

"Thank you for listening to my problems. It was of great help for me to talk about it, it made me feel more at peace. But now something urgent came up and I have to go."

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