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"Heeh~ how convenient! Our Javelins don't have AIs." Wonder Woman said.

Man, woman, and fox, the three of them were aboard Naruto's ship. The Amazon was seated in the pilot's seat, piloting it. After reaching a high enough altitude she followed Naruto's suggestion to input the coordinates of Paradise Island. Following that, the AI took control of the ship and drove it by itself. Therefore, while she was technically the 'pilot', in reality, she did not have to do anything after setting the course.

"Does the Justice League even use spaceships anymore?" he asked her knowing about the changes that the Watchtower had undergone after the Justice League's massive expansion.

"Most of us use the teleporter to travel from the Watchtower to Earth and vice and versa, but Javelins are still used frequently because quite a few members don't like the feeling of being teleported. As Green Arrow would put it, he doesn't like someone 'playing pinball with his molecules'. Those like him prefer to use a spaceship instead." she said and giggled.

"Speaking of, he's the only one who stood up for you, isn't he? Didn't know you two were that close."

Diana threw him an amused sidelong glance.

"Are you perhaps jealous?"

Naruto chuckled.

"I'm just wondering how come that, out of dozens of metahumans, nobody dared to stand up for you. Instead, it was only a regular dude with no powers, just wielding a bow, that had the courage to defend you against Superman and the big guns of the Justice League so to speak. If anything, I admire him. I've always respected people of character like him."

The princess was silent for a few moments, thinking about Green Arrow.

"I was surprised too that he stood up for me when even someone like J'onn took Superman's and Batman's side, condemning my actions. We aren't that close, we've only interacted a few times and we rarely go on any patrols together. All I know about him is that he was one of the very few that took effort to recruit into the Justice League. At first, he refused our offer directly, with no hesitation. His reason was that big organisations like the Justice League tend to forget about the 'little guy' and that he'd rather protect the ordinary people instead of saving the world on a large scale. He wanted to take care of his city first of foremost."

"How did you convince him to join in the end?" he asked in interest.

She showed a hint of distaste on her face when she spoke next:

"Batman made use of Black Canary to manipulate him."

Black Canary's name did not light any bulbs in his head because she was not a particularly famous hero. There were over 100 other members of her tier in the Justice League. Naruto did not care to remember them all. He only knew a dozen or two of them by name.

Seeing that he did not know who she was talking about, she explained:

"Her ability is to release sonic screams. She's a good fighter too. But, most importantly, she's a very attractive woman. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, often wearing a costume with sexy fishnet stockings. Green Arrow fell for her at first sight."

"Looks like no matter the planet, men of character often have a weakness for beautiful women." he chuckled.

In the momentary silence that followed, a sound of purring and a low, quiet growl could be heard clearly. It was coming from the nine-tailed fox cub that was sprawled like a lazy cat in Wonder Woman's lap. It looked like Kyuubi had forgotten all about his sky-high pride and dignity as the most powerful bijuu. Every time the Amazon princess petted his head and caressed his back, the fierce and violent tailed beast would become putty in her hands.

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