Vandal Savage

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"How dare you burst in and ruin my wedding?!" a petite blonde woman said accusatorily.

In front of her, behind the locked bars of a cell, a tall and athletic woman was chained up to the wall with a pair of very high-tech shackles that even someone of her strength could not break. She was none other than Wonder Woman.

"Aren't you even curious about what Savage is up to? He's dangerous!"

"Why? Do you think he might throw a tank through my wall?" the blonde woman crossed her arms and said sarcastically.

Only a few hours ago, Wonder Woman had crashed the blonde woman's wedding by throwing a tank through the walls of the church where the ceremony was being held. It was the wedding of Vandal Savage and Princess Audrey, the daughter of King Gustav, the ruler of Kaznia.

"Grow up! He's obviously using you. He's amassing military and political power."

"For what?"

"What do you think? He's got to be stopped!" Wonder Woman shouted, finally reaching the end of her patience.

"You're a raving lunatic. Not to say you weren't fun to go clubbing with~"

"This isn't a joke, Audrey. I think Savage is responsible for your father's sudden illness." Wonder Woman tried to reason with her but the princess - now queen - shot back angrily:

"And I think you've just crossed a line!"

"Don't walk away, Audrey. You're making a big mistake."

"I can do whatever I please! Surely, you've noticed by now!" she shot back and strolled out of the prison without sparing her another glance.

Wonder Woman frowned and started to struggle once more to break her shackles but it was to no avail. Just then, a bizarre feeling washed over her, a sensation that made her become very alert. While she did not know what to make of it, she heard the sound of a man's footsteps approaching her cell.

"You! What are you doing here?!" Wonder Woman said greatly surprised.

A white ANBU fox mask, blond hair, a fur-collared black cloak that covered his entire body and a tiny fox cub curled up on his right shoulder, looking as though it was glued to it: the newcomer was none other than the alien mercenary that had rescued and extorted Superman of a huge sum of money. But almost 6 months had passed since then and Wonder Woman had almost forgotten about the strange alien and his gluttonous talking fox. She had certainly not expected to see him again, much less at that moment, in the prison inside the royal castle of Kaznia.

"Why is it that whenever I meet one of you guys, you're locked up in a cell?" Naruto said with a laugh.

When he had met Superman, the Kryptonian had been locked up by the Preserver in a cell. Now when he was meeting Wonder Woman again after half a year, she was locked up in a cell too by Vandal Savage.

At first, Wonder Woman's intention had been to ask for help but she was getting increasingly weirded out by the situation.

"What are you doing on Earth? How are the guards right next to you not reacting to your presence? Did Vandal Savage somehow hire you?" she asked in a low voice.

Naruto waved a hand as to reassure her and said:

"Don't worry. Vandal Savage is not my employer. He's my bounty. As for why these men can't see me, they're under an illusion. Something like a spell."

It turned out that the strange sensation she was feeling and her instinctual alertness were due to the illusion that he had cast.

"Is what you said to that bratty princess earlier true? Is Vandal as bad as you claim?" he asked.

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