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3rd Person POV (3 years before the birth of Hiccup)

The night was dark. A Storm was hitting Berk with all its might. Anyone outside could feel the sting of the icy rain hitting their bare skin. Light of the laterns, that were lit previously, did not reach far. The only thing lighting up the night was the burning ship at the horizon.

Most Vikings of Berk were gathered at the dock, watching the flames and discussing what to do. It must have been the ship of merchants, who were attacked by dragons. Nothing uncommon. At the front of all those people stood two men: the chief and his best friend, their names being Stoick and Gobber.

In the water at their feet, the goods of the ship were slowly reaching the island. A tragic accident as they happen often, that's what they decided this was. But just as they turned around to head back to their houses, they heard quiet, familiar sounds coming from one of the barrels. Panic rose inside everyone as they recognised the sounds as the crys of a baby.

As fast as they could, they dragged the barrel out of the water and opened it. Indeed, inside was a baby lying in a basket and covered by a blanket. Gobber reached carefully inside and pulled out the basket, took it in his arms and turned towards Stoick. "Let's go to the Great Hall and discuss this there!", Stoik yelled over the rain. Everyone agreed and together they hurried to the Building.

Inside they could inspect their finding further. Now, being dry and not alone anymore, the baby had stopped crying. Opening its big eyes, they were a shining blue, which was highlighted by the few black strands on top of ist head. It reminded them of a clear night with a bright shining moon. Calm and beautiful. Its name was embroidered in the blanket covering it: Nicolas, a little boy. His parents must have come from far away to have choosen such a name.

"That's a weird name", Gobber spoke what was on everyones mind. "Yes, but that's not important right now. We have to discuss what we do with him." Stoick replied. Gobber reached carefully inside the basket, took the baby and layed it on his left, handless arm. Even though, the hand was replaced by a hammer, the baby seemed happy and giggled a bit. When Gobber moved his right hand towards it, Nico's hand held onto his pointer finger and refused to let go.

"I just decided that I am going to raise little Nico", Gobber said, causing a round of worried gasps. "What?", Stoick asked, full of shock. "Are you sure that's a good idea? Raising a child is hard." He tried to reason with his friend, but said friend was stubborn and already set on his idea. "Ah, come on Stoick, I have raised yaks before, so I can raise a baby, too." "What? No, that's definitly not the same! Maybe we can find someone else, who wants to take him." Stoick tried to suggest, but was turned down right away. "No, this is my son and no one will take him from me! Now come on, little Nico, let's get you some milk from the yaks I raised." Gobber replied, emphasising the last part and walking out of the Great Hall towards his house.

A sigh was heard from Stoik as he watched his friend walk away. He knew that there was nothing he could do. Only hope for the best and watch how this child would grow up being raised by his best friend. 

I just want to say that english is not my first language, so it could happen that there are a few mistakes in this chapter and the ones coming.

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