chapter 2 : Y/n

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Entering the canteen jungwon saw y/n talking to a group of girls

But it felt different

As if they were threatening her

"y/n!" he calls as he jogs towards the girl, the three girls only smiled at jungwon before walking away

"hi" jungwon greets the girl who only smiled at him hesitantly "so me and sunghoon decided to start the project since there's still 30 minutes, i was wondering if you were available to join us?" he proceeds to ask the girl

"sure" she replied

Jungwon sensed her uneasy feeling

"were the girls your friends?" he asked as they walked down the hall "oh.. Um.. Yes" she replied lowly making jungwon frown "you can be honest with me" he says crossing his arms

She only sighed

"i don't know.. They rarely talk to me" she replied, the boy only tilted his head "to be exact, on exam days only" she adds

Jungwon couldn't help but scoff in disbelief "you shouldn't let this happen" he spoke "you should've told someone"

She remained silent

"if this happens again tell me, alright?"

Slowly she looks at jungwon

Maybe the world isn't so cruel after all

She gave him a small smile before nodding

Entering the court the duo saw the others

Sunghoon waved at the girl

"wah she's pretty" ni-ki whispered as he watched the girl speak to sunghoon who invited her to sit beside him, heeseung only looked at her for a moment before going back to talking to sunoo

Jake was on his phone while jay stood beside him watching the girl

"we didn't bother you did we?" sunghoon hesistatly asked as he smiles showing his fangs "no, i wasn't busy" she replied before tying her hair and looking at the book sunghoon held

"alright let's get started" jungwon spoke excitedly before seating himself beside sunghoon


Weeks of working together lead them to being closer than before

The quiet girl became more talkative to the two boys

"down you go!" sunghoon laughs as he points at the girl who landed on a snake in the board game snakes and ladders

She cries as she goes back to the start, jungwon starts laughing before throwing the dice and also landing on a snake

Y/n started laughing when jungwon froze and slowly accepted his fate and went back down

"goodbye suckers!" sunghoon exclaims as he makes it to the end


"hurry up hoon!" jungwon shouted through the school hall as he ran carrying colored papers and balloons

Y/n ran right beside him also carrying designs, confetti and party hats

Sunghoon was far back "yah!" he shouts as he ran carrying nothing but his bag

They were preparing a suprise party for their teacher


So much moments of them being together even students noticed how the girl changed from being quiet to being more out going

Even heeseung would sometimes act like a baby towards the two boys when they would rather hang out with the girl than with him

"I'm alright who am i to hang out with" heeseung would say

"yeah who are you" jungwon would reply

Truthfully heeseung and the others didn't mind

As long as they're enjoying


Y/n l/n

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Y/n l/n

Quiet, well mannered, good-looking, intelligent, average in sports, loves to draw, rarely plays video games, observant

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