Chapter 7 : smash

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Jungwon watches cautiously over his friend, palms leaning on the glass walls

Sunghoon grabbed a wooden hammer that was as long as his arms but to his surprise it was light weight

But soon he flinched when he slammed it on the stage floors, it gave a loud bang

as if it was designed to be light when carried but heavy when slammed, and he was about to slam it on poppy would that kill the character?

Suddenly flashbacks of the character chasing them earlier flashed in his mind, poppy's smile still giving him the shivers, why worry about a character that almost killed them?

Slowly sunghoon starts to spin the hammer with his hands as he waits for his go signal

"ready?" the monotone voice started "and go!"

A soft melody started to play

Sunghoon slowly started looking around, turning every second as he holds the hammer with both hands squeezing it tightly

Jungwon felt his stomach twist and do flips, he couldn't stay put. His foot tapped in a impatient manner, his hands with each other scratching each finger as he watched

He felt as if he was suffocating even though the glass box was somehow a breathable place

"calm down" he whispered to himself

Sunghoon stopped

One hole away from him, he saw a hand slowly come out, grabbing on to the edge, pulling itself up

Sunghoon froze, the hammer still on his hand

Jungwon was also frozen as he watched the blue haired character slowly rise from the hole, its wide smile never leaving its face

The character suddenly screeched

Sunghoon held his breath as he swung the hammer from high in the air down to the character

It was then followed by a loud cry of pain

Sunghoon watched the character drop inside the hole, inside the darkness as if it was afraid of the hammer

He shook in fear, he felt his palms sweat as he readjusted his grip on the hammer

The soft tune continued playing

He heard a screech from behind

Turning around, sunghoon swings the hammer hitting the character once again, it cried backing away


Turning to the left sunghoon immediately saw the character coming out two holes away from him

Taking three hurried steps, he drags the hammer with him before swinging it up and slamming it down but to his surprise the character was able to sink in the darkness before the hammer made contact with it

Having no time to process he immediately heard a growl behind him

How did it move so fast..

He suddenly froze

Looking down he saw the character grinning widely as it held his foot

Then what did he hear behind..?

A yelp of fear left his lips as he tried to kick off the hand, falling on the ground seated

Shaky breaths leaving his lips as he swung the hammer crushing the characters hand making it retreat

Slowly he saw movement from the glass box, he looked at jungwon

Sunghoons eyes widened

"BEHIND YOU!!! BEHIND!!" jungwon was shouting as he slammed his fists on the glass wall vigorously trying his best to get his attention but to sunghoon he only saw the younger male mouthing the words

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