chapter 4 : Duo

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Slowly sunghoon opened his eyes, turning to his left he sees jungwon looking at him his expression worried

"are you alright?" the younger male softly asks as he watched sunghoon sit up

He nodded, but then started to look around

Not only were they in a unfamiliar place..

"where's y/n?" sunghoon suddenly asked "..i don't know.." jungwon quietly replies

"did you both have a good sleep?"

The duo flinched when a small t.v suddenly turned in front of them

There they saw a woman with pink hair, sitting elegantly while she fanned herself

"i don't want to be rude for my guests so let me introduce myself hm?" she hums followed with a small giggle "you can call me mommy" she starts with a smile "and you are in my humble home, or the people call it the toy factory" she continues

"with that information, i assume you boys understand that i run things here"

"and don't worry about your girly friend here" she giggles "shes safe"

Their eyes widened

Through the t.v they saw y/n tied on a chair, unconscious

"for now"

The woman named mommy started to laugh

"since you're a bunch of kids, I'll make things simple" she spoke as soon as she calmed down "3 games, beat three of my prepared games and youll be free with your friend" she adds

"we'll be waiting" the woman giggled before the t.v suddenly turned off, leaving the two boys silently

Sunghoon slowly looks at his friend noticing the he stood up

"what are you planning" he quietly asked "getting y/n back" jungwon replied earning a blank look from sunghoon "that's one heck of a plan yang" he said

"whats your plan? Leaving y/n?" jungwon asked raising a brow

"how about getting the two of us out and asking the professionals to do the rest of the work" sunghoon replied as he stood up facing the younger male

"you can't be serious"

"i am, we don't know what lies ahead! We aren't even that special to begin with! were just students what are we gonna do? Run in, take y/n and run out?"

Jungwon turned his back from the older male, he knew sunghoon was correct

But he couldn't just leave a friend

"we can try" jungwon turns to look at his friend

"and die? I'll pass" sunghoon complains


Footsteps echoed through the long empty hallway as the duo walked cautiously

"the things you make me do" sunghoon whispers as he followed behind


A/n: i haven't been updating due to school works! I deeply apologize my lovely readers, ill update as much as possible!

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