Chapter 14 : why..

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Muffled cries echoed inside the quiet hall

There jungwon quietly sat on the ground, hugging his knees, his face hidden

He couldn't move

He couldn't speak

His body shook

Why did he have to do that

Was it his fault?

Was it because he left him?



he couldn't even breath properly anymore

He leaned back on the wall purposely slamming the back of his head against it

Blood slowly dripping from his wound

"You're all i had.." he quietly cried out "I hate you.."

"poor one.. I am very sorry for what happened" the woman named mommy suddenly spoke softly through the speakers

Jungwon breathed out, trying to calm down as he slowly pushed himself up

"i really am.. And as promised.. Three games you get the girl back" she continued

Jungwon heard a faint metal door open

He kept convincing himself it was worth it

But was it really..

He lost sunghoon.. Just for a girl he met

"jungwon.." y/n whispered in shock, her hand immediately covering her mouth when he looked up at her

"y/n.." he whispered weakly standing still

Her eyes watered at the sight of him, he couldn't hold himself before running in her arms

Tears rolling down his cheeks as he recalled everything

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" y/n repeated as she held him tightly

For a second he felt a sharp pain on his head, he guessed it was from banging his head on the wall

"are you okay?" he heard y/n's voice slowly distort

He felt his body getting heavier

"jungwon? Jungwon!"



Jungwon slowly opened his eyes

Y/n stood infront of him with a worried expression

"hey" she softly called

"what hap-" he tried to move but froze

He looked down only to see he was tied on a chair

He looked back up to see her staring at him "what are you doing" he slowly panics

"i really feel bad about sunghoon.. He didn't have to go that way" she starts "either way you two are still gonna have to go"


The girl only stared at him

"why.." jungwon shakily whispered

"why?" y/n repeated with a giggle "it's my job" she replied casually

"i bring people here, i feed mommy's characters and she pays me, win win right?! For me and mommy of course" she spoke excitedly

She noticed jungwon locking his jaw as he looked away

"I've heard many people curse at me when i do this so come on now spit it out" she crosses her arms

Jungwon looked at her

"go rot in hell"

She backed away a bit "I'm.. You got me there" she laughed a bit hurt

"come on now my child, let's get this over with" mommy spoke through the speakers

"you were cute though" y/n whispered to jungwon who gave her a disgusted look

Jungwon watched y/n disappear in another room

He looked down

I'm sorry.. He thought

You wasted your life saving me..

I let you down, his vision started to go blurry

Light drops of tears fell on his pants as he heard a metal door beep followed by a screech of an oh too familiar animatronic

Blood dripping from the animatronic's mouth as it crawled towards jungwon

God.. What a life..

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