Chapter 3 : What

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"we're going to the cafe after school you both coming?" jay stood in front of jungwon and sunghoons table, ni-ki raising a thumbs up telling them to say yes "bummer, y/n invited us to a ice cream place later" jungwon replied nervously, sunghoon nodded "maybe next time?" he says

Ni-ki pouted, jake only laughed at his expression

"be careful around her alright" jay suddenly said making the two raise a brow

"what?" they said

"i just don't like her vibe.. It feels weird" jay whispers as he looks away "she's nice don't worry! We'll be alright" jungwon reassures with a smile

Jay only nodded "come and hang out with us when you three are done" he says before walking away

"huh i wonder what's in his mind" sunghoon whispered as he watched jay walk back to ni-ki "let him be, that's what he always says to new people we meet" jungwon shrugs while writting in his notebook making sunghoon nod



"bye!!" ni-ki waved goodbye to jungwon and sunghoon who was now ready to leave with the girl

"bye!" the duo bid their goodbye

"i think your friends don't like me" y/n slowly spoke as she nervously scratched the back of her head "huh? How so?" sunghoon suddenly looked at the girl "he looked at me like i did something" she replied referring to jay "ah don't mind him" jungwon laughs

"i mean, i can always stay away just tell me" she quietly offered as they walked out the school "noo it's alright!" jungwon waves his hands

She slowly nods making sure she wasn't a burden

"i heard the ice cream shop sells delicious flavors" sunghoon imagined, his eyes shining making y/n giggle "i heard too, i wanted to try it with you two that's why i brought you two along" she says "you'll pay for us?" sunghoon asked earning a smack from jungwon to the back of his head

"WE'LL pay for her" he corrects

"i don't have money" sunghoon cries

"then I'll pay for her" jungwon sighs

"what about me?" sunghoon bats his eyes

"what about you?"

Y/n giggles at the two "no need to treat me, i brought my own money" she says pulling out her wallet

Sunghoon wipes a fake tear as he looks at his empty wallet

"you'll be smelling the ice creams only"

"ice creams are scented?"

"this dumba-"

Y/n continued laughing as the two bickered

Suddenly she saw a van slowly driving towards them

"guys.." she whispers

"who smells their ice cream anyway?!" sunghoon argued "you idiot you smell them just by getting it near your mouth already unless you eat it all in one go!" jungwon argues back

The duo stopped when they felt the girl hold their wrist

She started walking faster dragging the two boys past the van that was now parked a few meters ahead

"ow ow" sunghoon tripped whispering a complain

Jungwon was about to speak when he saw the girls mood

And the van

Elbowing sunghoon, he secretly points towards the van making sunghoon fall silent

Passing by the van gave them a creepy feeling as if someone inside was watching


Jungwon froze when he head the door open

"sir" he heard a low voice call

He didn't care

He grabbed y/ns wrist making her yelp in surprise before also dragging sunghoon with him as he ran

They heard a shout before a hearing the van start

"where are we going?!" sunghoon shouted as he ran

Jungwon remained silent

Looking back he saw the two panicking behind him

But his eyes widened

The van was right behind them

Memories of missing posters in their school suddenly came flooding back in his mind

He panicked

He didn't want them to go missing

Hell, who would want to go missing

To jungwons horror as soon as he looks ahead, he bumped to a tall masked man

Making him fall on the ground with y/n and sunghoon

He crawls back in horror when the masked man started laughing

"come on!" y/n grabbed their wrist and ran to an alleyway

Jungwon looks back to the masked man who only waved at him

What did it mean..

What the hell did that mean?!

The girl froze when she saw two men waiting at the end of the alleyway

Jungwon shook in fear

Sunghoon couldn't do anything, his body shook in fear, his breathing was uneven

"GAH!" jungwon gasped when he felt someone press handkerchief against his mouth and nose from behind

"JUNGWON!" sunghoon and y/n shouted only to get grabbed by the masked men

Slowly jungwon felt his eyes water as he grew dizzy

Please be a dream..

Wake up..


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