Chapter 13 : The Great and Lonely Yang

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i heard everybody cheer, i look around and wave at the students who waved at me

Of course no one comes..

My eyes suddenly stopped at one person, my mood immediately changing as i wave at the boy who silently sat on the bleachers

Sunghoon waved back with a smile

I laugh as he ruffles my hair as we walk out the gymnasium "I'll win the next one! watch!" i say making him scoff "give chance to others, won" he said

I wonder why he's friends with me.. Doesn't he get tired of me..?

Cause I'll never get tired of him

I didn't really want to admit that i find comfort with him because I'll lose my swaggers

Can't risk that

Plus i know he will never shut up about it until the day i die


It's always been like that

Broken promises

"ill be there won!" heeseung hurriedly spoke as he ran through the hall leaving me standing alone, ok

"sure won't miss it!" jay smiled, liar

"really another competition?! Okay! Ill be there on time" sunoo said in shock as he drank his apple juice, no you won't.. go choke on your juice

"I'm not sure.. I'm kinda busy" jake nervously said as he held papers, you always are

Ni-ki nodded with a smile

I understand they're busy, i really do.. But i just want a little bit of support

At least see them peek for 1 second in my match that'll be okay, great even

They're always there to watch each others competition while they can't even watch mine



I stand on the finish line, hands on my hips while i wait for sunghoon to make it to us

"you good?" i heard heeseung shout, "give him a break" i sassed looking back at heeseung who laughed with jay "what? He wanted to join us it's not my fault he has lanky legs" he jokes

I only stare at him about to say a word when i suddenly heard a faint thud

Looking back i saw sunghoon on the ground from afar

"and there he goes" jake spoke

Ignoring him i run towards sunghoon before kneeling beside him "are you okay?" i ask

He replied with a nod and a laugh "you don't have to force yourself really" i quietly said before pulling him up

"I'm fine" he sassed at me

Not even a thank you, you should be greatful you're my favorite park sunghoon

"talk to the hand park" i reply before the both of us laughed


We were all great friends, really

We bonded and stuff

Maybe it's just.. Different in school

Maybe they saw me as an academic rival in school, i was always in their competition to watch and they never said a thing

I stopped going to their competition to watch, again they never said a thing. Huh.. Maybe i was just being too sensitive with them not attending to watch my competition

"insignificant park"

I heard a faint voice followed by muffled laughter

I look over to sunghoon who continued walking before tapping his shoulder and giving him an are-you-okay look

He nodded

"i don't let them affect me anyway, there are other matters much more important to me than listen to what they have to say" he said with a shrug

How can such nickname not affect him? He doesn't mind? I mean.. If that was me i would be balling my eyes out

Not really but you know what i mean

I stare at him

Oh to be like you...

"I have a competition later! You all should definitely come!" heeseung suddenly announced making us all look "really? What time?" i heard sunoo ask

Woah it's the math competition he's been wanting to enter! I heard he's going against another student from a higher school


No wait! I won't be able watch i also have my competition at 3pm

Ah so that means they wont be able to watch me as well

What's new?


I stand on the stage, my hands playing with each other

I hear the students cheer for me as we wait for the announcement of who will take home the trophy for first place

"Yang jungwon!"

I froze on the spot

Now that was unexpected, i wasn't even focused, i nervously hold the trophy

I smile at the host before slowly starting to look around

Sunghoon.. Are you here?

I stopped

My eyes widened in surprise

Sunghoon sat on the bleachers smiling proudly at me

You still chose to watch me..?

Slowly i smile before showing off my trophy to him

You're so cool..

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