Chapter 12 : Lights On, Lights Off

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"no I'm playing!"

"i am!"

"no you're not!"

"yes i am"

The quiet hall was now noisy, fast footsteps echoing while the duo argued

Yes, they raced through the hall while arguing

"rock paper scissors" jungwon challenged

"no! You're cheating i can smell it from you" sunghoon disagreed

"oh? Cause what i smell from you is defeat" jungwon fired back

Sunghoon gasped in the most offended way before suddenly catching jungwon off guard with his change of decision

"rock paper scissors shoot!"

Yet sunghoon still lost

"oh! Boom! suck on that I'm playing" jungwon shouts "no you are not yang jungwon you might as well just bang your head on some metal pipe again and I'm gonna carry you again!" sunghoon complained

"plus you never said thank you after all that hard work all i get is a kick on the head" he adds "thank you my oh so savior sunghoon" jungwon sarcastically replied

"i should've just left you in the other room" sunghoon sassed "as if!" jungwon laughed

"i can and i should've" sunghoon said

"oh really? Okay let's act like you weren't crying while i was getting pulled"

"okay we don't talk about that-"



The metal door slowly opened

"I'm playing" jungwon mouthed

"no i am" sunghoon also mouthed back

"welcome to lights on and lights off" the monotone voice spoke "this game can have as many players"

The duo looked at each other

"beside you is our favorite built animatronic, pj pug a pillar"

The duo slowly looked to the side, it was pitch black, jungwon slowly walked towards it in curiosity

He froze

Sunghoon only watched him back away

"what?" he whispered to the younger male, jungwon stood beside him

"pug a pillar" jungwon repeated "pug head caterpillar body, bigger than us.." he whispered in a disbelief shaky voice

Sunghoons eyes widened at the information

"if the lights are on, you are not allowed to move but you may look around, if you move you will die" the duo flinched at the last word

"once the lights are off there you are allowed to move, you can run and walk but never go back to look at pj pug a pillar"

"whenever you are ready please say start"

The two looked at each other, they were inside a very large play park, a pool of bouncy balls in the middle, a slide, and it even had a monkey pole right above the bouncy balls

"okay" the duo said shaking their arms and bodies, shaking off the nervous feeling

"just think of this like the play ground earlier" sunghoon faked a laugh

"yeah but this time theres some weird caterpillar following us" jungwon adds

"start!" the two said in sync

PlayTime | Y/n & Sunghoon & JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now