Chapter 5 : Free Hugs!

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"memory color"

"whack a poppy"

"lights on lights off"

jungwon and sunghoon stared at three posters

"ooh! I see you found the games posters" they suddenly heard a woman's voice making them jump and look around

"such cuties, I'm up here" she spoke sweetly, the duo slowly turned around and looked up, there they saw a window and a silhouette on the other side

"how lucky of you two to see me" she giggled as she tapped on the glass window, jungwon slowly moved beside his older friend, holding on to his sleeves for comfort, sunghoon only looked at him for a moment before looking back up at the silhouette "walk on ahead now, i'll be waiting" she continues before walking out of their sight

The duo stayed silent..

Sunghoon sensed jungwon's uncomfortable state

He needed to at least remove the creepy unsettling aura

He cleared his throat

"she.. She looked cute.."




Entering a room the duo ended up seeing a cardboard cut out of a character

The boy had messy blue hair, he held a sign saying free hugs! , he also wore a blue suit that matched his hair and black pants and stylish shoes

But what disturbed them was his smile

It was wide that his sharp teeth showed

Even though he was just a cardboard cut out it felt like his blue eyes were staring down at them

Jungwon slowly walked away from the cut out and towards a shut door

Grabbing the handle, he pulls

"locked" he clicked his tongue before looking to the side and seeing a staff only door

"where we off to captain?" sunghoon suddenly spoke behind him "we're about to become a staff" jungwon replied before walking to the white door and pushing it open

The duo stayed at the door for a moment, examining the room

There was a small room, two long sofas, a vending machine and a radio

It played a tune in a low volume

The duo slowly walked pass the room  to the seemingly endless hallway

The hallways did make them uncomfortable

If felt suffocating, as if it was slowly closing in but in reality it wasn't moving an inch

Sunghoon looked up, even the ceiling wasn't in sight

The wall was just.. Too tall

He lets a shaky breath out before continuing to walk ahead

"Freeeee hugs!"

The duo froze

The voice was loud and raspy

It echoed behind them

Slowly the two looked behind them

At the end where they came from they saw a tall figure, it's long hands leaning on the wall supporting itself as it stood, slowly the tall figure looked at them

It growled


Blue hair, blue suit, sharp teeth..

Oh dear god it was the character they saw

"we should run"

"no shit sunghoon"

Jungwon wasted no time and ran away with sunghoon right behind him

The duo flinched when they heard the character screech loudly followed by fast and heavy footsteps

At the end of the hallway they see an elevator open, as if it was waiting for them

They suddenly heard a giggle through the speakers "chop chop that elevator doesn't like to wait~" mommy spoke

The blue haired character screeched

"hah.." sunghoon grew tired as he felt the character catching up behind him while jungwon was slowly growing further

Boy did he not like this

This felt like their p.e class, he hated running

No.. He hated every physical activity

He was never good with those

"HYUNG!" snapping out of his thoughts he heard a high pitched panic scream

Jungwon panics as he pulls sunghoon by the wrist just before the character launched on him with its sharp teeth

Still having enough energy, jungwon dashes through the long hall gaining a good distance with the character while he dragged sunghoon

Pushing sunghoon and himself in the elevator he immediately pressed a random button hoping the door would shut

"oh no~ is the elevator malfunctioning?" mommy suddenly spoke through the speakers of the elevator "no no don't start messing with me" jungwon hurried breathlessly as he looks back at the character who smiled widely as it approached them with speed

Sunghoon was leaning on the wall, cold sweat running down his cheeks as he shook in fear and tiredness

Jungwon helplessly slammed the buttons in panic but to his surprise the door started closing

Painfully slowly

jungwon cursed as he backed away when he saw the character meters away from the door

The duo flinched when it screeched its hands almost reaching the door

And shut..

Sunghoon slowly fell on the ground, mouth open catching his breath while jungwon froze on the spot

"I was just messing with you" mommy giggled through the speakers

Jungwons eyes twitched as he breathes heavily

"anyhow, how was poppy? Isn't he so handsome?!" mommy giggled through the speakers "i designed him looking as human as possible so people wouldn't be so scared! But in the end they still are" the woman sadly spoke

"sheesh, i wonder why" sunghoon sarcastically whispered as he sat on the ground leaning on the wall

Seating himself on the ground, jungwon leans his head on the wall feeling tired as heck

Why was saying thank you in person hard

What was so hard about it

You just gotta be sincere

But he was too awkward

Jungwon leaned on the wall, asleep.

Sunghoon sat across him, he whispered

"Thank you"

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