Chapter 1 - Love and Loss

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She slowly crept up to Hotel OJ, snickering to herself quietly as she climbed her way up to a few windows, going through one she knew had no one in it at the time.

Well, except for a box.

But it was just a box. It won't do anything, so she brushed it off.

Her original plan was to take down Mephone4 first, but, he abandoned them and left them to their shenanigans, so there won't be any consequences to her actions.


Unless she's caught.

But that's far from happening.

Isn't it?

Well then,

Back to her plan.

Her ultimate goal was to take down OJ, and anyone who stood in her way in both Inanimate Insanity One and Two.

It wouldn't be too hard. Much are weaker than her anyways.

Except one. Knife. But hopefully, he wouldn't be too much trouble.

Who knows, maybe he'll grow weaker too.

A death can really take a toll on someone's fragile ego.

She climbed through the window, a smile spread across her now transparent face. Making her way through the opened Hotel room door, she saw it was busy down at the bottom floor. OJ was nowhere to be seen. That was perfect.

Quietly making her way towards a few rooms, she could hear the sound of swooning.

Oh great.

She knew just who it was. Salt. It was obvious, really. If OJ is somewhere, she always follows. Always. Maybe she can follow him to the afterlife was well.(A/N AGHHH IM SO UNFUNNY SORRYYYYY LOL)

Taco slowly approached the two, careful not to draw any attention to herself.

Behind Salt, she quickly, yet harshly, kicked forwards on the back of Salt's leg, which yanked her to the floor, causing the leg to bleed quickly.

Salt promptly freaked out, but Taco covered her mouth before she could scream too loud. Originally, tipping a Saltshaker brings bad luck, but Taco already has it bad enough, or so she thinks.

OJ was a bit confused, yet scared. He was about to go down and call for Paper's help, when Taco tapped her invisibow and was visible to him.

"Ah, long time to see, OJ." She smirked in a sadistic, crazed way, closing the door behind her.

OJ was scared, and honestly enraged. "What is wrong wi-" He started, before Taco shut him up, hitting him swiftly across his glass with the laser gun.

"Oh hush. This won't hurt for too long." She giggled, beginning to smash OJ's glass in with her gun, making sure to give him a slow, yet very painful death. Cracking the glass until the deed was done. Salt bleeding out shortly after.

She smiled, covered in orange juice and blood before tapping her invisibow again, fleeing the scene back into the woods.

It won't be long until it's discovered. But that's not a big deal.

That's one down, two more to go.


(484 words)


(COMPLETED/OLD) "remember me" // an inanimate insanity storyWhere stories live. Discover now