Chapter 7 Part 1 - Not Quite Getting Over It

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(A/N : hi this is not a knifecrophone ship chapter because i think they are both 100 percent homosexual)

"HELP ME, SOAP!" She heard the voice of one of her closest friends call out.

"NO, PLEASE..HELP ME!" Another called out, whining in pain.

HELP ME!" Another called out, whining in pain

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The girl panicked. She knew she couldn't let them die, but she couldn't save both in time or else they would all be crushes by the rubble of Hotel OJ.

Soap felt herself tearing up quickly, taking the ultimate decision to save the first voice she heard, dragging Microphone out by her arm, she began to cry, watching as her former comedic friend, turned fearful and tormented, died in front of her eyes. She watched as he melted into a pool of cheese and blood.

She couldn't watch anymore, running outside of the hotel, avoiding trampling in the process.

As the 13(and a half) who survived watched as the building crumbled on those still inside, they all looked with pity or fear.

They began talking about where they would live, what they would eat, and started to do a head count. Paintbrush suggested they could put their drama and differences aside just for this moment, and they all ultimately agreed.

A lot of contestants were in tears from the losses of their dearest friends and loved ones, and they were comforted by one another.

All except Microphone, who sat alone perched up against a nearby tree. Knife walked over to her, sitting down beside.

Microphone turned away, sighing. "Hey Knife.." She remarked somberly, rubbing her arm now filled with burns.

Knife gave a small nod. "Hey." He looked pretty dull(im so unfunny), clearly affected by the possible loss of Pickle. "What's up?"

Mic would have broken down in to tears if she wasn't so busted, herself. "It's so hard to watch people die. Like, I saw her, Knife. I saw Taco." The other looked in confusion, but eventually came to a conclusion. "I mean, I guess that makes sense why Pickle would..y'know. Stay back like that? I dunno."

Knife sounded like he was on the verge of tears, and Microphone could obviously tell. "Hey, hey.." She said, her voice glitching in and out. "I know how it can be to lose someone, just know, me, Soap, and everyone else out here, we'll except Trophy, is here for you." She smiled, and he smiled back.

(401 WORDS!!)


also sneak peek

also sneak peek

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(COMPLETED/OLD) "remember me" // an inanimate insanity storyWhere stories live. Discover now