chapter 10 - numb

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3rd Person POV - 

Back at the compound, the avengers are gathered in the meeting room. Steve Rogers rubs his forehead in frustration, they've got nothing, no leads. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton fell asleep leaning against one another on two of the chairs. Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are busy watching monitors running programs. Wanda Maximoff went up to her room to rest about an hour ago and the android Vision is repairing the damaged glass. Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes fell back asleep on the couch in the living room. Peter Parker and Kate Bishop -- the two trainees -- are asleep in their rooms as well. 

The phone rings... 

"JARVIS who is it?" Tony asks his A.I.

"It is the police, Sir."

"Ughhh... what did I do now..." Tony groans walking over to the phone. He dramatically picks it up, "hello?... yes this is him... I'm sorry?... Did you trace the call?... Uhmm thank you so much ma'am I will be in contact!" He hangs up the phone with a smile on his face.  

"What was that?" Steve asks uninterested. 

Bruce glances over from his screen as well. 

"The police station of Sail Rock, Maine received a call from y/n."

"What?!" Both Bruce and Steve shout. 

Nat and Clint both jolt awake. 

"What's going on?" Clint groans. 

"We know where y/n is." Tony states. He flips the monitor revealing a map with a pin in Sokovia, "that Hydra base in Sokovia wasn't shut down after all."

"How do you know?" Bruce asks, skeptical. 

"One of the Maine police stations received a call from y/n trying to get in contact with us. They're sending me the recording of the conversation right now."

"How do we know this isn't a trap?" Natasha asks, "I know hydra normally recruits males, but they bought y/n from the red room. Who's to say that they didn't purchase any others?"

"They said she told them she was with Brock R. Rumlow doesn't tell anyone his first name, he thinks it makes him professional" Tony says rolling his eyes, "Anyways, that means she must have heard it from one of us. They tracked the call and Sokovia checks out so even if it's not y/n, we're bound to find something."

There is an awkward silence. "Well, what are we waiting for?" Bucky asks from the door. 

"Since when did you wake up?" Steve asks confused. 

"Like 5 minutes ago." Bucky shrugs. 

Steve shakes his head, "He's right, we should get moving."

[Meanwhile in Sokovia...]

Y/n is strapped down to a table. Feet, Hands, and Torso secured. Doctors are walking around the room observing data on individual tablets. The large metal doors swing open and in walks Elisa Sinclair a.k.a Madame Hydra. "How's she doing?"

The head scientist steps forward, "Vitals are holding stead Ma'am, she'll be ready in no time."

"Do it faster!" Madama Hydra demands, "We don't know who she contacted, the Avengers could be on their way at this very moment."

"Yes ma'am!" The scientist replies and scurries off. 

Madama hydra makes her way towards y/n. One of the machines begins to beep, "what's going on?"

The head doctor lifts his head revealing the smirk on his face, "The anesthesia has worn off, she's about to wake up."

Madame Hydra shouts "Someone get me Rumlow!"

The scientists look around at one another. 

"Now!" She repeats. 

The scientist closest to the door takes off. 

Madame Hydra caresses y/n's cheek, she leans in and whispers, "they have no idea what's coming..."

The scientist returns with Rumlow close behind. 

Rumlow salutes, "Madame"

"We have reason to believe the avengers may be on their way. Security needs to be on the lookout. In the meantime, grab agent Toro's suit and belt. Don't forget the batons either!"

Rumlow nods before turning and leaving. 

Y/n's POV - 

I hear people moving around me yet all I see is black. Something is wrong, I can't remember anything from the past week. I don't know how, but I know that time has passed yet my memories are blank. 

"Agent Toro... Agent Toro, can you hear me?"

I say yes, but nothing comes out. I blink rapidly and my vision slowly starts to clear. 

"Hey! Okay, I need you to focus on my voice okay? Focus."

I do as the voice instructs and my vision focuses and my hearing clears up. I see that there is a female doctor leaning over me. Or maybe she's a scientist? 

"Can you give me a verbal response Toro?" she asks. 

"Yes." I say. 

The woman smirks, "good" and walks over towards another woman, tall and thin with long black hair. This other woman is staring at me intently. 

I strain to hear their conversation; 

scientist/doctor lady: "ma'am she's ready whenever you are!"

scary lady: "alright, can you escort her to the box for me?"

scientist/doctor lady: "yes ma'am."

the box? I've only ever heard of it before but I don't know what it is, where it is, or what it is used for. The scientist/doctor lady is walking back over to me. 

"We're gonna go for a walk okay? The anesthesia is still wearing off so if you need to use me as support go ahead," she tells me. 

I nod and push my body up from the table. She watches me closely. I gently slide off the table and begin to walk. My legs feel a little shaky but I am doing it. Once we make it out of the room we take two rights before reaching a room labeled 'the box'. how surprising right?

The scientist/doctor lady opens the door for me. The scary lady is already in the room waiting patiently. She smiles at me, "Have a seat Agent Toro" she says gesturing to one of two chairs at the metal table.

a/n: this has literally been in my draft for days, I just kept forgetting to publish it. sorry!! thank you for reading!

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