chapter 26 - Familiar

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Y/N'S POV - 

The car comes to a screeching halt in front of Hammer Industries. Natasha and I hop out of the back seat, heading to the door. Our driver Harold 'Happy' Hogan beats us to the door. 

"What are you doing?!" Natasha interjects.

Happy flings open the door walking through, "I'm gonna help. I'm can box you know?" Natasha and I share a look and follow Happy inside. A mid-sized security guard dressed in a fancy suit approaches us. Happy turns back towards us, "I got this." He sounds so confident. 

Unfortunately, we can't stay to watch this play out. More properly dressed security guards are arriving. They're pooling from two different hallways. "I got the left" I call out. Nat doesn't respond so I'm just going to assume she got the memo. 

The first guy goes high, aiming for my face. Already running, I use my momentum to slide. I take out his legs, causing him to face plant into the ground. Oof. I pull my batons off my back. I thrust my left baton into the stomach of the next guard, shocking him. I thrust my baton into the back of the first guard, keeping him down. 

3 more guards race down the hall. Thankfully none of them are carrying guns. This is gonna make my life much easier. For now. I let the first guard swing at me, I lean back and dodge the blow. I strike the man across his stomach, then I kick the back of his knee.

While I was dealing with the first guard a second snuck up on me. The woman delivers blows to both my face and abdomen. I'm not a fan of getting hit, so I dive-roll out of the way. I don't give her a chance to make a new plan. 

I switch it up, going after the 3rd guard, another woman. I run at the wall, pushing off of it with my leg. I soar toward the last guard kneeing her in the chin. I deliver a clean blow to her chest, knocking her onto her ass. 

By now, the second guard is going at it again. Honestly, I'm a bit offended that she thinks these blows are going to hurt me. I get a few licks in but dodge most of her attempts. I can tell she is getting frustrated. This is just too much fun. Unfortunately, though, I do have a job to do. Finally one of my favorite moves, a classic Hurricanrana. I do half of a cartwheel, wrapping my legs around the woman's neck. I use my core to raise my chest a little more before dropping my weight. I swing my body to the right, spinning around her neck. The momentum takes her to the ground. 

"Y/N, converge at the location on your watch!" Natasha calls through comms. 

"On my way." Oh yeah, Tony's testing out new Holographic watches. The idea is to help pass on information during missions. It's working well right now. The location Nat pinned pops up on my screen. It also shows me the fastest way to get there, convenient. 

I meet Nat at the location. It seems to be a small room. I pull out my batons again and Nat grabs her guns. We give each other a nod. I step up, kicking down the door. I jump into defensive mode, Nat following me. But the room is empty. Only a computer system remains.

I step up to the system, quickly breaking down the firewalls. It seems that Ivan Vanko has been trying to build an Iron Man suit. What's troubling, is that he's built an arc reactor. I quickly check the security cameras, finding Vanko heading for his suit. 

"There he is," Natasha points out, she's been peering over my shoulder. We head in that direction, hopefully, we'll get there before he reaches his armor. 

We arrive in a large open warehouse. There are scrapped knock-off Iron Man suits everywhere. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Vanko suiting up. It's an impressive suit. Humongous. "The suit is powering up. Before he gets comfortable we gotta shut it down. Get your taser discs!" I shout. 

I make my way around the back of the suit. Nat approaches him from the front, "3... 2... 1!"

I jam my batons into the legs of the suit while Natasha throws multiple taser discs at the front. The suit seizes, and the electricity crackles before going out. We hear a groan come from Vanko stuck in the suit. Natasha calls in Tony, "We've got a pick-up for you. Might wanna check out some of this tech while you're here."


The steaming water helps to relax my muscles. I scrub off the dried sweat and blood from the most recent mission. It always feels nice clean up after a mission, alleviating the stress and tension. I pat dry my body and change into more comfortable clothes. Wanda has introduced me to these amazing things called leggings. They're skin-tight and soft. An oversized t-shirt, leggings, and socks is such a comfortable combination. 

It feels nice to be back on missions. It's familiar, but it's still rough on my body. I let down my wet hair, releasing it from the towel it's wrapped in. I hate having wet hair but I don't feel like blow-drying it. As if on cue, someone knocks at my door. I have a pretty good idea who it is. Opening the door, my assumption is confirmed. Kate stands on the other side. 

She smiles, "Glad to see you back in one piece."

I step aside, letting Kate into my room. "Let them try" I scoff. I close my door before immediately plopping face-first onto my bed. 

Kate chuckles, "Tired?"

"Not at all," I say sarcastically. 

I feel the bed tilt as Kate sits on it. She begins to comb through my hair with her fingers. I hum in satisfaction, it feels so nice. "You gonna brush and dry your hair?" Kate asks. 

I sigh, "I don't feel like it."

Kate laughs softly before getting up. Honestly, my head feels too heavy to watch where she goes. I can hear her rummaging around in the bathroom. "Here, sit on the floor," Kate says. I Lift my head and see her motioning to the space in front of my bed. She's holding my hair brush and dryer. I can't help but smile. "I heard you did well today, so I guess I can help you out."

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