chapter 30 - wakanda

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* 6 Months Later*

Y/n's POV -

The fire crackles in front of me, warming my body. My head throbs from the most recent electric shock. Each time I am activated, Ayo sends pulses through my brain to reset the coding. We've been at this for close to an hour. I've made it to the 9th word so far, so close yet so far away.

"I think that's enough for today," Shuri says, saving the data into her kimoyo beads.

I shake my head, I have more in me. "No, again. I can make it."

Shuri looks up at me, "Are you sure, you've done a lot today? There's always tomorrow. "

"One more time" I confirm.

Shuri sighs and Okoye readies her spear if the shock doesn't reset me. I take a deep breath before nodding, signaling Shuri to start.

"тоска (longing)"

I focus on my breathing as I feel a tingling in my head.

"ржавый (rusted)"

The tingling becomes a strong pain, making me grimace and close my eyes.

"семнадцать (seventeen)"

My hands begin to shake due to the energy I am exuding.

"рассвет (daybreak)"

I growl, my head is throbbing.

"печь (furnace)"

Breathe. In and Out. In and Out.

"девять (nine)"

I can feel every muscle in my body tensing, begging to give in.

"доброкачественный (benign)"

I visualize a calming environment. Sitting at a long table inside the Avenger's compound.

"возвращение домой (homecoming)"

I smell Wanda's delicious spaghetti and meatballs.

"один (one)"

One. One more. One more word. Every muscle in my body now feels like it's spasming. 

"грузовой автомобиль (freight car)"

I feel like I'm losing control. My limbs have gone numb and my mind is dizzy. I can feel sweat dripping down my neck. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I'm running out of air. I- I think I might pass out.

"Y/n?" Shuri's voice rings through my head.

Come on. Don't give in. Open your eyes.

It takes all of the energy I have left, but I manage to pry open my eyes. My vision is blurry, I soon realize those are tears. My tears. I did it. I'm still in control.

"You are free." Okoye wedges her spear back into the earth.


My eyes begin to open at the feeling of someone stroking my hair. I groan quietly, wishing I could slip back into the comfortable realm known as sleep.

"Wow, Babe. I thought you'd be happier to see me." Someone whispers. I'd recognize that voice anywhere, Kate.

I smile, finally coming to consciousness. As soon as I see my girlfriend, I pull her into my arms. I roll her over so that I am lying on top of her. I use my arms to support myself, hovering above her. I lean down and start pepper kisses all over her face.

Kate squirms underneath me, laughing. She grabs my face pulling me down to connect our lips. It feels so good to be with her again, to hold and kiss her. Kate flips us over. She pulls away, smiling down at me. "You did it"

"I did it" I beam back at her, tears prickling at the reminder.

She drops down onto the bed, resting her head on my chest. "I'm so proud of you. I know you don't like sappy things but you need to hear it. You have been through hell and managed to come out on top."

I don't know what it is, but I struggle to take compliments. It feels so awkward. But this is Kate. So I smile and try to shove out the feelings of awkwardness. "Thank you."

"Do you want to show me around?"

Minutes later we are in Shuri's lab, "Vibranium is not easily manipulated, but when you learn, there are unlimited capabilities. It can literally be used to increase the productivity of farming fields, without compromising the health of the plant or any living being that consumes it."

Kate stares at me shocked, "Since when did you become an expert in farming and Vibranium manipulation?"

I gesture to my right, "It was all Shuri. She's been keeping me busy. I've learned so much. W'Kabi, the leader of the border tribe, taught me to farm. I've spent time with M'baku and the Jabari tribe up in the mountains, which was so weird but also really cool. It's amazing here." I feel myself rambling.

Kate smiles, not speaking. Just looking, looking at me. It's not a normal look, it's different.


"You look happy. That's good." She comes to my side, pulling me into her body. She whispers in my ear, "You look good too."

I resist the shiver trickling down my spine.

"Ah ladies, how has your morning?" A thick Wakandan accent draws the attention of the room. The tall, muscular figure standing just inside the room is none other than the King of Wakanda. T'Challa Udaku.

Everyone in the room turns to face him. Our backs straighten and we hold our heads high.

Shuri bows her head, "My king"

T'Challa rolls his eyes, "I told you to cut that out!" Turning back to us, he smiles, "I heard we were having a visitor today, I think a delicious lunch is appropriate."

The King takes us to a balcony. We all dig into the amazing food and enjoy the beautiful weather.

"I just want to thank you, for everything that you have done for us. If there is any way to repay you, please let us know." Kate thanks the King.

T'Challa chuckles, "There is no need. It has been great having Y/n here, though she insists on helping out. She's been attending to wounded warriors and providing support to our village doctors. I assure you, it has been a pleasure."

I feel my cheeks heat up. Hearing the King of Wakanda, the Black Panther, speak so kindly about me feels kind of embarrassing. It isn't, but it feels like it.

"You know how Y/n hates compliments. We shall enjoy our time with her before she departs." Shuri laughs, shaking her head.

Kate turns to me, "So, I don't mean to rush, but do you plan on coming back to New York soon?"

"Yeah, probably in the next few days. I found a Gotham Health Center near the compound to volunteer at." I explain, "I be able to come and go as I please, meaning I can help out the team whenever."

"So, you've decided to retire from the fighting per se?"

I shrug, "Eh, I can help out if I'm needed. But yeah, I'm not looking to be an Avenger."


My journey to this day has been long and difficult. Just a year ago, I was nothing but Hydra's puppet. To the rest of the world, I didn't exist. One day, a group of angels came to rescue me. They gave me a chance to live, to actually choose what I want to do. It is a debt I can never repay, but one that I will forever aspire to.

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