chapter 23 - rumlow

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Y/N'S POV - *Location: Lagos, Nigeria*

"Alright, What do you see?" Steve speaks into the earpiece from beside me. We are standing inside a hotel room overlooking a Nigerian street. Sam is positioned on a nearby rooftop. Nat and Wanda are sitting at a cafe, dressed as civilians. 

"Standard beat cops," Wanda replies, "small station, quiet street."

"It's a good target." I mutter. 

Steve ignores me, "There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?"

"Cameras" Wanda answers. "Good, both cross streets are one way." Steve prys. Wanda doesn't hesitate, "Compromised escape routes." 

"Means our guy doesn't care about being seen. He isn't afraid to make a mess on the way out." Steve has been coaching Wanda since we landed. I don't know how she's able to deal with this. 

A car catches my eye, "You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"Yeah, the red one? It's cute." Wanda teases. 

"It's also bulletproof which means private security... which means more guns which means more headaches for somebody, probably us." Natasha finally adds to our conversation. 

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda reminds us all.

Natasha ignores the comment, "Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature."

"Anybody ever told you you're a little paranoid?" Sam asks. 

Natasha goes with it, "Not to my face. Why? Did you hear something?" I laugh. She sounds genuinely concerned. 

Our banter is interrupted by honking cars. A garbage truck is forcing its way down the street, hitting every vehicle in its path. "Sam, you see that garbage truck? Tag it." Steve orders. 

"Yessir." Sam replies. He releases a drone thing from his suit, he calls it Redwing. There's a long silence as we wait for the analysis. "That truck's loaded for max weight and the drivers armed."

"It's a battering ram." Natasha mutters. "Go now!" Steve orders, "He's not hitting the police." Steve comes up with a brilliant idea to jump down 6 stories while holding me bridal style. Admittedly it's kind of fun, but embarrassing. We sprint down the street, watching in horror as the driver jumps from the truck and the vehicle rams into a military facility. Two trucks follow screech to a halt in front of the facility. Soldiers climb out the back, immediately firing on anyone in sight. A group of 5 enters the building. 

The facility studies potentially dangerous chemicals, meaning that the workers inside are not soldiers. Steve, Wanda, and Sam take the front side of the building while Nat and I deal with another truck of soldiers. Steve follows Rumlow into the building but is too late, "Rumlow has a biological weapon." Nat and I finish off our party and go after Rumlow and his buddies. They split up in a local market. "I've got Rumlow, one of his friends has the weapon, get it." Steve orders. Sam and I each take one of the two who veered left while Nat and Wanda handle the other two. Wanda stops her guy, dragging him back to her with her powers. She comes up empty. 

I chase down my guy, jumping over cars and stands. I reach for my knife, I hit the man square in the back. He goes down, groaning. I search him, but nothing. I take my knife back, "Sorry, nothing personal."

Sam also comes up empty-handed, meaning Nat's guy has the weapon. Sam and Wanda find Steve while I track down Natasha. I see her tackle someone in the distance and slow down a little. It's probably best if he doesn't notice me. I duck behind a stand selling various fruits. The man pulls out a gun. Natasha quickly takes him down, stealing the gun for herself. The man kicks her out of the way, putting space between them. Nat recovers and points the gun at him. The man pulls out the weapon, "Put the gun down, or I drop this."

"I've got you covered, Nat." I whisper. She slowly sets the gun on the ground. "Taking him out in 3... 2... 1..." I shoot, hitting the man in the neck. The weapon falls but Nat dives, catching hit before it hits the ground. "Good work, Y/n. Payload secured."

A loud explosion sounds in the distance. "Sam... we need fire and rescue on the south side of the building." Nat and I look at each other before taking off. 

The explosion looks to have hit the side of an office building. Steve and Sam are already inside getting civilians out when we arrive. Nat follows suit. I notice Wanda, kneeling on the ground, hand over her mouth in horror. I rush to her, "Hey. Hey. I don't know what happened, but there are people in there who need help, now. Dwell on it on the ride back, let's go." Wanda nods, I pull her up and we both run into the smoky, firey building. 

*An hour later*

I collapse into my seat on the quinjet. My entire body is sore and aching. Nat immediately sets course for the compound and Steve joins her in the cockpit. "What happened back there?" I ask cautiously. I turn to Wanda but she drops her head. Sam sees this and sighs, "Rumlow was wearing a vest rigged with bombs, lots of them. He would have killed Steve and hundreds of civilians. Wanda contained the explosion and tried to get it away from civilians. She did her best but she lost control."

Wanda's head is still hung. She's blaming herself. "It's not your fault, Wanda. It was already going off."

"I could've stopped it." She whispers, her voice cracking. 

I sigh, "Maybe. But I can't begin to imagine how much strength that would take. You haven't tried to do anything like that before. No one blames you."

A/n: Yes, this is based on the opening fight sequence in Civil War. Also, posting twice in one day? Who is this? Again not edited. 

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