chapter 12 - mission impossible

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Y/n's POV - 

I walk up the ramp to the small aircraft, dressed in my custom black leather suit and armed with my batons and utility belt. Rumlow is waiting for me at the top of the ramp, of course, he's coming. Two other operatives are in deep discussion behind him.

"Agent Toro," Rumlow nods towards me.

"Rumlow," I reply with a sharpness to my voice. Neither of us likes the other.

"These are agents Vasquez and Miller," He motions towards the operatives who give a wave. I nod. "Your pilot today is Miss Camille Shepard." Rumlow continues. 

Someone raises a hand from the cockpit, "we're clear for departure sir!" the woman shouts.
"thank you." Rumlow replies. The four of us in the back strap into the benches on the side of the craft. Rumlow confirms that we are all secure before giving the okay. Camille begins flipping switches and nobs causing the engine to roar to life. I brace myself as we pick up speed and lift off the ground.

Once we've reached altitude, I unbuckle the straps and reach for the blueprints. Earlier I had folded them up and shoved them into a tiny pouch on my utility belt. I stand up and make my way to the cockpit. Careful not to touch anything, I take the right seat. Camille looks at me, then points to a set of headphones. I put them over my ears and the loud plane noise fades. 

"What's up?" Camile asks. I'm shocked at how clear her voice comes across. 

"Where's the drop zone?"

Camille flips a few switches before responding, "Best I can do is a little over 800 yards of the Northwest corner of the facility."

"Good enough," I say. There's an awkward silence, I don't exactly wanna go back and hang out with Rumlow but I feel that I should only be in the cockpit if I've got a reason. 

"You fly a lot of missions?" I finally ask. 

"Not many. Mostly supplies and weaponry. However, I did fly the winter soldier a few times though."

I nod. "I worked with him a lot before he escaped. He was always really nice to me when he wasn't under control."

Camille pulls the steering rig up slightly, "He was always really quiet before missions. I was always curious what he was really like though... without the brainwashing."

I hesitate, "I know you're like a pilot or whatever, but sometimes I wonder... If they brainwashed me... I have this gap in my memories and it's just like blank."

"I wouldn't be surprised." Camille says, she lowers her voice, "I'd get out when you can."

Her words echo in the back of my head for the rest of the flight. 

Once we reach the drop-point, the team and I strap parachutes to our backs and jump. On the ground we steal a car and drive the rest of the way. 

"Stay on comms with us the entire time, okay?" Rumlow demands. 

"Got it boss" I say teasingly. 

He rolls his eyes. "You've got 20 minutes Agent Toro. Goodluck." 

I salute and get out of the car. I make my way towards the fenceline. I pull out a handgun and shoot out the security cameras. I then climb the fence. I duck behind bushes and trees, careful to stay out of view of anyone in the compound. I make my way towards the Northwest door, it should lead to a stairwell. I pull a small explosive from my belt and stick it to the door. I press the button, take a few steps back, turn around, and plug my ears. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... boom! I pull the smoke bomb from my belt and roll it into the room. I grip my gun and slowly move forward. I start up the stairs shooting out the security camera's as I go. On the fourth floor I exit the stairwell and make my way down the hallway. The hallway is empty so I holster my gun and trade it for my upgraded batons. Before the mission I added the same shocking mechanizm as my widow bite. I focus on my breathing and repeat the plan; down the hall, two lefts, one right, and the third door.

As I round the first left, I face two figures. The spider-Man and Hawkeye knock-off. I activate the tasers on my batons ready to fight. 

The hawkeye knock-off looks at me confused, "Y/n? What are you doing here...?" She asks and lowers her bow. 

How does she know my name? I roll with it, "Uhh... I need to borrow something?"

The spider-thing is still on edge, "What do you need?"

"I need the tesseract."

The eyes on his mask narrow. What? "I can't let you take that."

The girl hesitantly raises her bow again.

"Let me through and I won't hurt you.." I say.

Neither of them budges. Welp I tried. I start towards them, but something pins my right foot to the floor. I look down. Webs. I glare at the spider-thing. I reach down and pull one of the many knives on me out of my boot. I slice through the web. He shoots again, but this time I'm ready and dodge. I return the sentiment with a taser disk. The body crumples to the ground. An arrow zooms past my ear, diverting my attention to the girl. 

"Stop! Don't do this y/n!" She shouts. Though her hands are shaking like crazy and she looks terrified. 

I bust, "How do you know my name?!"

The girl blinks in confusion, "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" Is this what Hydra was hiding from me? Did I actually know these people? I stake the sinking feeling in my gut. The mission

"We saved you from hydra. We gave you a home, I stayed up with you when you were having nightmares." She begins slowly walking toward me, "Peter made us watch that crappy Star Wars movie," she was now only feet away, "You walked me to bed because I was too tired to even walk straight." She reaches a hand up to cup my cheek. I feel my expression automatically soften. 

She notices and smiles, "I was so worried..."

I use her distraction to press my fist against her neck. I release the charge from my bite and she crumples into me. I catch her and gently lay her on the ground. I start down the hall again and I hear a slight groaning. The spider-boy is starting to wake. I don't have time for this. I grab a baton and smack him in the head. 

a/n: finally finished typing it. thank you for being so patient and supportive!!! love you guys <3

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