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Nelly Payne couldn't stop staring at the handsome figure sitting at table 7. Though he had his head down she could still tell that he was really handsome. She could feel all the sexiness oozing out from him. Yeah , crazy right. That was exactly how Nelly was feeling at the moment.

"He got to you too huh." A voice said behind her.

"Huh..." Nelly responded absentmindedly.

"Wipe the drool off your face girl. It so doesn't look good on you."

"What drool? Nelly asked wiping her face. "There's no drool." She said glaring at Noel.

"Mmmmm.... thought I saw one." Noel, her co-worker, said absentmindedly.

Nelly Payne. A twenty-four old woman, fresh out of college. An orphan from the age of eighteen. Less comfortable but not so comfortable life since birth. She was not from a rich family and that would explain why she was working as a waitress now.

"And what did you mean by 'he got to you too'." she said mimicking Noel.

"Come on Nell. Don't tell me you weren't just fantasizing about Mr Sexy right there."

"No I was not. " Nelly guiltily denied.

"Mmmm-hmm. " Noel hummed with her hand folded across her chest.

"He's just so handsome and sexy. "

"And a total casanova. " Noel said

"And how do you know that?" Nelly asked looking squarely at her

"Who in the world doesn't know multi billionaire, Devan La Vir. " Noel answered.

Nelly turned to stare at the sexy customer typing away on his machine. Those heavenly fingers. Nelly thought.

"That's Devan La Vir? " Nelly was flabbergasted.

She'd heard a lot about the casanova. He was said to be the most handsome guy alive but never this hot. Nelly could now see they weren't the least exaggerating. He was glorious.

Blue icy eyes. Perfectly cut black hair. Perfect and a sexy body not that she could see through that well tailored suit. He was just perfect.

Devan La Vir. Multi billionaire and sole owner of the Crencencio Group of Companies,CGC.

His eyes had a dangerous gleam in the them though which she hadn't seen earlier. He looked cold, just like the tabloids said. Staring into them would be like staring into the blue sea.

Even after learning of who he was Nelly couldn't help but salivate at the prospect of been under him ( which wasn't going to happen, she thought)

Something fluttered in her stomach. Thank goodness he was a long way from where she stood. Even if he were close to her, he would never notice her or give her a second glance. She was after all just a lowl waitress. But it wouldn't hurt to fantasize about him right?

As if on par with her thoughts, Devan's head rose from staring at his laptop. His eyes caught that of Nelly's. Those devilish blue eyes stayed fixed on hers. A lopsided grin added a mischievous gleam to it.

Suddenly Nelly averted her gaze and tried concentrating at serving the people on table 3.

Failing so much at that.

Devan La Vir knew the beautiful waitress, dressed in a tight black primed short skirt with a white blouse and an imitating black and white wedge was staring at him.

He was doing the same himself. He had been admiring the beautiful woman moving around the restaurant, with a firm contoured body, for a while now. Working on the laptop, he felt the saucy eyes of the damsel on him. It amused him a lot.

For the beautiful charmer not only stared but was obviously aroused by what she saw. He knew this due to her nipples hardening and poking through the white blouse she wore.

Instinct pushed at him and that's when he lifted his head to stared head on at her.

He had a devilish grin plastered on his face as he noticed her breathing had changed. Her green eyes were huge in a pale face sprinkled with just a few golden golden freckles.

He saw how she lowered her head and tried her best to concentrate on the others. But Devan knew better. He knew the effect he had on women. Once their eyes were fixed on him, there was no way of getting him out of their minds.

The pretty waitress wasn't an exception.

As she walked out through the back door, a wicked idea came to mind. Closing his laptop he followed her.

He found her gulping a bottle of water like a runner dying of thirst. Nelly instantly felt the air of an intruder around her. She turned briskly to find Devan blocking the back door. Hand folded in front of him. A wicked gleam in his eyes.

Nelly tried talking but couldn't. No sound came out when she opened her mouth.

"What are you doing here?"She said when she finally found her voice. She couldn't deny the pull he had towards her. Her panties were already wet from her arousal.

Not bothering to answer her, he walked close to her. Invading her private space. Nelly backed down but Devan followed on. This continued until she couldn't go anywhere, backed against a wall. Trapped.

Stray curls of hair escaped from the ridiculous ponytail she wore on top of her head. He lowered his head,lips almost touching hers.

Nelly couldn't help losing herself in those blue eyes. Her eyes begging him to kiss her and guess what, he did. Parting his lips, he pressed them on Nelly's, coaxing her to open to him. She nearly lost her mind at the intimate contact.

The kiss deepened and she heard a soft moan escape from Devan. Tiny electric shocks danced over her lips.

Devan pulled her closer to his body and kissed her passionately like a hungry dog with his lost bone.

Nelly instinctively placed her hands around his neck and returned the kiss fervently.

"No this shouldn't be happening. " She thought. But couldn't will herself to move away from him. She knew if he touched her down there, he would find her very wet and her panty damp.

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