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Nelly sighed as she got outside. That conversation was pretty intense. Max escorted her to the car. He drove her to her building and only left after she was inside. Nelly fell face flat unto her bed. She thought heavily about Devan's proposal. His reason for marrying her was not right but his heart was surely in the right place and at least justifiable.


"Have you made a decision yet? "

That was the first thing Devan asked when Nelly picked up his call.

"Yes. "


"I'll marry you. "

Devan happily pumped his first into the air.

"Good. " he said emotionlessly. Hoping Nelly wouldn't pick up on his joy.

"We'll have to start with the wedding preparations now. You will have to see....."

"Devan can we continue this conversation some other time. I'm not feeling too  well."

"Have you been to the doctors?"

"No, it's nothing serious I'm just tired."

" Okay get some rest and we'll talk later."

"Thomas, how do you know if someone really loves you."

Nelly asked Thomas when he came by later in the morning.

"Well their actions or reactions to certain problems."Thomas said. "Is this about Devan "

Nelly no did. They both sat in silence for a while ,Thomas in thinking mode.

"Okay I've got a plan that will help you know if he really loves you."

Thomas revealed the plan to Nelly and she knew right away that it was a very good plan and it was going to work. Without wasting much time Thomas called Devan up. He quickly answered on the first ring.

"Devan here." Devan said

"No time for introductions Mr La Vir. Nelly has been rushed to the All Saints Clinic. I think she's having a miscarriage."

"Are you sure of this. " He asked already panicking.

"As sure as I can be. "

"I'll be right there."

Devan rushed into his car and sped off. He did not stop for anything not even the traffic lights.

Within 20 minutes he was in the hospital. He went to the desk straight and asked of which ward Nelly was in. He thanked the heavens no one recognised him. He found her ward immediately. The scene that greeted him broke his heart dearly. Nelly was on the hospital bed crying. She had lost the child. A man sat beside her beside her who he recognised as Thomas.

He walked slowly to them with tears gliding down his face. Devan had  never once cried. Not even when his mum died.

"Devan. " Nelly cried louder, scurrying off the bed to him. She held on to him like he was her last breath.

"He's gone Devan. Our baby is gone. "

Devan held her as she cried. That sadness in his eyes did not go unnoticed by Thomas. He slapped his back to convey his sympathy. Devan placed Nelly on the bed sometime later after she had calmed down.

"Everything is gonna be okay. " He said, sitting close to her on the bed.

"The baby is gone and that means we can't get married anymore, right? " Nelly said awaiting his response anxiously.

"No. " Devan said.

Nelly felt like her heart was been squeezed by an invisible hand. She clutched her chest in pain. Devan couldn't see her pained expression.

"We are getting married. " Devan said again.

"What did you say......"Nelly stuttered. She couldn't believe what she heard.
Devan leaned forward and kissed her .

"We are getting married." He said again.

"But your reason for wanting to marry me is now gone. "

"We might have lost the baby but my love my you is still lives. It's even much stronger now. " Devan confessed. "I've always loved you and will always love you. With or without the baby. We can have more babies later"

Nelly stared at him astonished. His eyes said it all. He truly loved her.

"I love you too,Devan. " She said amidst tear.

Those three words made him the happiest man alive. He pulled me into a tight hug.

From the back Thomas gave Nelly a thumbs up.

Nelly couldn't help but live in the moment of total bliss. She finally found her Mr Right, her soulmate, her other half.

"So you aren't sad about the miscarriage anymore?". He asked her pulling her from his arms. Nelly shook her head and gave him a big smile. "The baby is okay. "

Devan's mood changed drastically.

"What did you say?"

"Devan please don't get angry. The baby is fine. It was all a plan. I just wanted to know if you truly loved me. "

"Nelly you could have saved yourself all this emotional drama and asked me  directly. "

"I wanted the evidence of your love. "

Devan looked really angry.

"Please don't be angry. Now that I know that you truly love me,I don't want to ever be away from you. "

Devan's mood still did not change. Nelly almost cried in spot.

"Got you. " He said breaking into laughter.

"Hey that's not fair. " Nelly whined. Hitting him on the shoulder.

"You started it first. " They both went on and on like little children. Devan hugged her tightly.

"I love you so much Nelly. "

"And I love you more. "

Having His Love And BabyWhere stories live. Discover now