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Devan picked up the papers he had  with him and handed it to Nelly.


The front page read.

"I need you to sign these papers. In the signing them you agree not to reveal whatever will happen between us inside and outside, past and present, in and out of the bedroom to the press or media. "

"Can't you just take my word for it. " Nelly asked in shock. She had a crush on him but that didn't mean she was ready for the whole world to know that she had banged the hunk.

"I need your signature on these papers just to be sure and safe. "

"Fine. " Without reading through the papers ,she signed.

Devan looked at the her with disbelief.

"Aren't you gonna read it first? "

"I already know what it's going to say. "

"But you need to read it anyway....." he sighed heavily ."........Nelly when you are given a document to sign please read through it before signing. "

"Fine, I'll take some time off to read it. Satisfied? " She placed the papers on the table near her bed.

"You've still not answered my question. What are you doing here and how did you even know where I live. "

"I have my way of knowing things. And as to what I'm doing here,you already know the answer. "

His gaze locked on hers. Nelly felt the need and desire in his eyes and couldn't deny hers too. She moved in closer to him. Devan dipped his head letting her scent fill him, drug him, falling through him like rich wine.

His heartbeat thundered in  his chest. He knew he couldn't stop for he was already lost in her beauty. Since he first laid eyes on her , he'd known he'd never get tired of fucking her. Cupping her cheeks between his palms he took her mouth intending only on a brief contact to quench the raging desire in him. But one brush of her lips and he was lost.

She  sighed into his mouth and her lips opened  up for him. His tongue swept into her depths  and he felt himself drowning in the heat of her. His body felt engulfed in flames. Nelly's previous thoughts of not being worthy of him flew through the window, their burning flames burning those thoughts out.  She sighed again and the soft sound spiraled through him like knives, tearing  through a centuries cold apathy as if it were fragile silk.

Gradually, he pushed her back onto the bed and laid on top of her. Her breast pressed to his chest. He felt the thundering beat of her  heart as if it were his own. It shuddered through him, pounding in his head, his blood. Nelly groaned. The need to take her was so strong, nearly overpowering. With a speed of an Olympic god, he ripped both their clothes off. He nipped the sides of her breast amidst kisses.  She gloried in that twinge of discomfort both fighting and welcoming him.  Anything to let off steam. Anything to feel something other than the reasonable Nelly. She widened her legs welcoming his long hard thrusts. Feeling both pleasure and pain for he went too deep hitting her womb. She couldn't stop the cries that escaped. Devan loved them so much.  They were music to his ears. Rolling over he pulled her on top of him putting Nelly in charge. To control every movement.

She rode him like a cowboy. Lassoing his heart. She bent  to kiss him, her hair falling   before her creating a sexy scene. She brushed it from her eyes a d kissed him. With so much passion than he'd dared to hope for. Her fingers dug furrows into his thick hair. He fisted her hair into a ponytail, using it to draw her head back, to lift her face more firmly to his while his kisses fierce and greedy.

At  the brim of pleasure, rode him much more faster and killing two birds with one stone they both came together. And of course this time they used protection.

"You are beautiful, agape mou. "  Devan said once they were able to control their breathing. He was staring at Nelly, combing through her hair with his fingers. His hands laid on her cheeks.

"Your eyes are too beautiful. Truly lovely. Like an apple among many other apple trees in the woods. "

" You already have me in your bed, Mr Vir. You don't need sweet talk to get me back into it. "

"Is that right. "

And just like that they engulfed the burning desires in them. This  time tender and slow.

Chapter 4

After all that, deep sleep followed. Nelly was all smiles and dreaming. Devan laid on one shoulder taking in her beauty. She looked marvelous and serene in her sleep. His heart fluttered causing him discomfort.

So soon, the morning sun showered its rays into the bedroom. Devan stood on his feet. Not wanting to disturb her beauty sleep, he wrote a note down for her. After giving her a peck on the cheeks and pulling the duvet to cover up her body, her left.

Nelly reached out minutes later to nudge Devan awake but her fingers touched only the sheets. Just then her phone rang. She looked around for her purse. She found it on the counter. She lunged out of the bed and answered it on the fourth ring.

"Yes?" She said.

"Good morning baby girl. "Greeted Thomas's smooth voice.

"Hey Tommy. " She responded with her nickname for him.

"I'm I to believe you are still in bed? "

"Kinda. "

"You're gonna be in big trouble if you don't get your pretty ass here right now. "

Nelly looked at her bedside table clock. It was almost nine. She was about  to divert her eyes from the table when she saw the note. She pucked it up.

Gone to complete some work. See you soon.
                                                           Love Van

"I'll be right there. " Nelly said.

The line went dead. Nelly placed the note back on the table and got ready for work.

Through the service door she entered the restaurant.

" Thank God you are here. Table 6 ordered a spicy pasta and a 1992 red Cosme wine. "

"Be right on that. "

  Nelly hurried and served the person on table 6. From there, she worked non stop.

Devan sat at the furthest table away from where Nelly normally served. He had been there for 2 hours watching her, studying her every move. Devan couldn't admit  the forbidden desire and passion in him. She brought out the best in him, made him go crazy and happy not only in bed but also out of it. No woman had  been able to awaken this kind of desire in him. He did not like it one bit. There was one solution to this. Disappear from her life. And that was what he was planning to do. But he needed one last taste of her before cutting all ties with her.

"Table 4 ordered just water. " Thomas said to Nelly.

"But that's your table. "

"Yea, but your name was mentioned. Apparently the person on table 4 wants you to deliver it. "

"Fine. "

Nelly took a glass of water to table 4. She paused when she saw who was occupying that table. Devan. He gave her a wide grin with a smile plastered on her face.

"What are you doing here? " She asked.

"Tsk......tsk....tsk such a bad way to talk to a customer. "

"Well Mr. Customer what else would like apart from a glass of water. "

"You." Devan replied.

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