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A few weeks later Nellie had the wedding of her life. The honeymoon was something to talk about. They had their honeymoon on a yatch on the mediterranean sea.

A few months after the wedding Nelly gave birth to two. She had actually been expecting twins, a girl and a boy. Everything had worked perfectly for them.

Nelly was in the kitchen when Devan arrived from work. He hugged her from behind and gave her a rough  kiss.

"You know pregnancy agrees well with you." Her breast hard enlarged along with her body.

"I almost want to see you pregnant always." He turned her around to face him that's when he saw the wet spot on her blouse just around the nipples.

"You need a change of attire." he said
Nelly looked down to where Devan was staring.

"Oh shit!." She exclaimed but soon there was a dangerous glint in her eyes.

"What I'm I going to do now. David and Angela are already in bed."

"What has changing your blouse got to do with Angela and David. " Devan asked not grasping what Nelly was trying to do.

Nelly circled around Devan.

"Well.........." Devan waited patiently for Nelly to answer him.

"You see the stains on my blouse are as a result of my breast milk overflowing. Angela and David are already asleep so obviously they can't drink it. And it so happens that I don't have anything to squeeze them into. "

Devan soon grasped what was going on after Nelly's explanation.

"Well there is a solution for that. " He said getting a hold of her.

He raised her up like she weighed nothing and placed her on the kitchen counter. Looking seductively into her eyes he pulled her blouse up and sucked her nipple. Nelly cringed as her nipples were too sensitive. She felt the electricity pull through her body. Her panties already soaking wet.

Devan drank her milk like a baby. The sensation was so good that she couldn't help but let out a loud moan.

Devan could fell his cock straining in his pants. He raised his head from her nipples and descended on her lips, kissing her fervently. He swept her up in his arms in a grand romantic gesture  and walked towards the stairs.

Devan kicked the bedroom door open. the mattress sagged  beneath her as Devan  sat on the edge of the bed and undressed her. He took his time in romancing her. He was a master and expert  in love making and foreplay.

"I'm not so sure about this Nelly. I'm scared I'm going to hurt you."  It hadn't been long since she gave birth and her vagina was still sore from producing not one but two.

"It's alright Devan. I really need this or I might die of depression and hunger."

Devan laughed and grinned.

" I know my cock was great but not  that great. Are you really sure of this."

To answer him she placed a kiss on his lips. He pushed her onto the bed and climbed onto it, positioning his knees on either side of her body. She could almost feel his gaze upon her burning across her bare skin.

Instead of getting on with the act,Devan rather pulled Nelly into her back and massaged her. His hands were firm yet firm.

He seemed  to have an uncanny knack of knowing exactly what she felt. By the time he finished with her back there wasn't a skin or muscle on her that didn't tingle pleasurably.

He didn't stop there.  He moved downwards to her tighs and rubbed the muscles there before travelling lower to her calves. He positioned his head in front of her womanhood, widened her tighs, dipped his head down and rubbed his tongue along the skin of her inner thighs.

He flicked his tongue across her moist opening drawing a surprised gasp from her. She widened her legs, baring herself to him. He took the hint and licked her gently, feeling the moistness and knowing that she was more than ready for him.

Her entire body begun to tremble. When he slipped his tongue inside her, she cried out and dug her fingers into his hair. Relishing the taste of her arousal, he slipped his tongue further into her hot pussy. Her hips moved wildly against his face, and he could feel his muscles around his tongue clenching softly. Quickly he withdrew from her.

"Devan......please....." She whispered and he heard the arousal and pain in her voice.

Devan thrusted deep into her making Nelly moan out loud.

He plunged into her, to and from, fucking her continuously and hard. She felt both pleasure and pain. He found her clit and rubbed thoroughly. He plunged two fingers inside her and fingered her. He pushed her to the brim, fucking her good.

"Come for me baby. " he said as he felt himself about to come.

Nelly screamed his name out loud. Devan growled as he came alongside her. Their passion was magical, irresistible and exciting.

Devan dropped to the bed and pulls her close to him.

Nelly  snuggled beside him and run her fingers around his chest while Devan stared at the ceiling.

" I never thought I'd ever fall in love until I met you. I promised myself never to fall in love but you made me break that promise. I'll spend my whole life loving you and our kids. "

"I also never imagined that the mighty billionaire would fall for a girl like me.  I love you Devan. "

Mr. La Vir made love to Mrs La Vir over and over again, never getting tired of it.


I wouldn't say they lived happily ever after, for that only happens in fairy tales. Children build a great and happy relationship between two people.

                   THE END

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You can also read my next book. THE INVITATION


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