Chapter 13. The Aftermath

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Oakley Potter

I drunkenly stumbled out of the Ravenclaw common room and started making my way down to the Slytherin common room. With Dray following close behind me. I could hear his footsteps patter behind me. I still had both drinks in my hands. So I guess just more for me.

"Thank you" I muttered. I feel like he deserved a thank you, even if he hadn't done much. Im still thankful for it.

"No need to thank me Potter."

"Still on last name basis?"

"What else would I call you?" He said as he sped up to walk beside me.

"I don't know, Either make up a nickname or at least use my first name" I slurred.

"I'll think about it"


We made it to the common room and we were sitting silently on the couch. A comfortable silence of course. No one else was in here, everyone being at the party.

"Im not going to lie, I am very drunk" I slurred as I gulped another drink.

"I see"

"We should play 21 questions." I stated, I shrugged my shoulders and waiting for an answer.


"Why so quiet? Ignoring me now?"

"Why would you wanna play that game? The whole objective is to get to know the other player"

"Right? Yeah thats the point" I furrowed my eyebrows, it was as though he didn't want me to know more about him.

"I guess." He was staring into his lap. I haven't seen him move once really. He was twiddling his thumbs as well. Almost like he was nervous of whatever questions I was gonna ask.

"Sooooo" I slurred
"What's your favorite color" I asked

"Sage green"

"Of course it is" I giggled. It was kinda ironic but it was also expected. "Your turn"

He sat upwards on the couch and shifted nervously. "Uh- whens your birthday?"

"July 31st" Most of the time, I forget I have a twin, the only time I really remember is when I see him. Or when were at home. We both live so different of lives that I hardly notice.

"Hmm, whats your favorite time of day?" I asked him.

He looked over towards the windows, "Nighttime, definitely nighttime." We have the same favorite time of day. I wonder if its for the same reason. I love the stars, the constellations, they are so pretty.

"If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?" I slurred. I could feel the alcohol steam through me. Sip after sip.

He didn't answer, just silence.

"My way of thinking" He said with a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"That's fair" I muttered. I wonder what's going through his head.

"What's your biggest fear?" He asked, his icy cold eyes meeting mine.

"The three unforgivable curses." I moved my eyes away, shifting uncomfortably on the couch.
"What's your favorite thing about me?"

He hesitated. He had to think about that one. "There's not much but if I has to answer it would be your attitude." I giggled.
"Are you a hopeless romantic?"

"Well" Im not sure, I've never really been in many relationships. And the ones that I have been in, weren't the greatest. "I can't really answer that one. Hmm, what's your love language?"

He scanned the room before averting his eyes back to me. "Quality time and acts of service. Whats yours?"

"Physical touch and words of affirmation." 

I glanced around and noticed the clock on the wall. Its 4 in the morning? Theres no way. We've been sitting here talking for 2 hours.

I looked back over to him and cracked a grin. "Dray"


"Its four in the morning. We've been talking for two hours." I slurred with two empty alcohol cups in my hands. "We should head to bed."

"I guess your right." He said as he stood up from the couch, looking to see if he left anything.

"Night Dray-dray" He scoffed at me but I could see the slight smile that was painted on his face. We both walked over to our dorm rooms and waved a goodbye.

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