Chapter 21. The Burrow

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Oakley Potter

I woke up about an hour ago. Its now 9am and I'm waiting for Harry to wake up. The rest of the house doesn't typically get up till eleven. There those lazy type people, but me and Harry are usually early birds.

Ive been ready and dressed for awhile now. My hair was thrown up in a messy, lop-sided bun. My makeup barley done and I had on a white crop-top that sat right above my abdomen, and dark blue skinny jeans on. A basic outfit thats for sure, but I don't have much clothes so I work with what I got.

I heard the door under the staircase creek its way open. Glancing over my shoulder I seen a tired eye, ruffled hair, Harry. Making his way over to the couch across from me.

"Well look who's finally awake" I laughed at his sluggishness. Im always typically awake before he is, it's kinda just our routine.

He simply responded with a grown and slumped down onto the couch. Rubbing his eyes and fixing his hair with his hand.

"You may want to get ready, Its nine a-clock and we told them 10am. So you got about an hour or so." I said as I got up and trudged my way to the kitchen to make us some morning coffee. Something to wake us up enough to finally start the day.

He leaned his head over towards me on the couch, shifting his body to face me. "Don't forget to add extra sugar to mine." He said, his voice still groggy.

"I know how to make your coffee Harry."

Its Ten-a-clock now. Both of us ready with our things at the door. I hadn't taken my things out of my suitcase since we had got here, worried of the fact of someone taking something thats not theres.
The only person that would do that would be Dudley of course, he has sticky fingers is what I like to call it. Always grabbing things that aren't his.

"Are we supposed to apparate?" I questioned out of curiosity.

"No, I think they said to use Floo-powder." He said as he handed me a handful of the dust like crap.

"I pray we don't end up somewhere random, I don't fancy getting lost." I sighed, thinking of the possible places we could accidentally end up.

Harry said a countdown and when he got to one we tossed the powder down to our feet. The powder forming into a grey cloud of fog around us. Both of us whirling into nothingness and being transported to the Burrow.


We collapsed down on a hard wooden floor. The swirls of the design on the ground was dark shades of brown. The fireplace sat directly behind us, so close that our backs were touching it. The room was very decorated, cluttered and a bit messy. Basically you could tell that the house was lived in. But alas it is a pretty looking living room from what I've seen so far.

"Welcome To the Burrow Oakley." Harry exclaimed his voice chirpy happy sounding, he had definitely sounded very pleased.

"Harry! Why didn't you say something earlier!" A older woman chirped as she walked around the corner with a man at her side. Both with bright red hair like the rest of their children.
    "Hello Dear, Im Molly, and this is my husband Arthur" She said with a bright, wide smile.

"Nice to meet you, Im Oakley, Harry's sister" I exclaimed with a smile as me and Harry stepped out and away from the fireplace.

"Well make yourself at home Dear" She said, her smile glistening. She seemed like such a sweet woman. I knew I could get along with her. Arthur hasn't said anything yet so I can't really tell what he's like quite yet.

"Aww, thank you Mrs. Weasley" I said. I was twiddling my fingers around, nervous about making a good first impression. As I would be staying here for awhile and I didn't want to cause harm on the first day.

"Oh please, Call me Molly" She laughed.

"Where's Ron and Hermione?" Harry asked, as he glanced around the area looking for them.

"There upstairs sweetie" Molly gestured towards the staircase that was just around the corner.

Harry made his way over there, "Thank you." As he took the steps he waves his hand in a motion to signal me to follow him. And I did so.

As we reached the room the two of them jumped up from the floor and ran towards Harry. They were sat around a muggle board game. Assumingely something Hermione brought.

"Its so good to see you!" Hermione yelled as she gave Harry a bone breaking hug.

Harry looked around awkwardly, it seems he didn't enjoy tight hugs. "Good to see you too Hermione." He gasped as he backed away slightly.

"Oh and good to finally see you again too Oakley." She said with a lowered tone. Almost like she had never met me before. Ive had very few conversations with her and Ron, most of them being short and quick, probably some dumb shit about Harry. Those three kids sure are the closet of friends, you'll never find one without the other two.

Me and Daphne are close yes, but we've never really been so close that we're always together. Granted, we are best friends and are each others only best friend, but its no where near those three's friendship. One can only wish.

"Sit down Oaks" Harry spoke and broke me out of my trance. I noticed that all of them were already sat down, leaving me awkwardly standing there alone in my own little world.

"Oh sorry," I exclaimed as I sat down next to Harry. Shifting slightly to try and get myself comfortable.

"Its been bloody crazy here" Ron said with an eye roll. He looked around the three of us and continued. "Everyone is always up and running."

"At least its not boring here, The Dursley's are absolutely tortuous." I replied with a long huff. I would much rather be here than at home. Even if that means I have to put up with Granger. Shes always been slightly on the annoying side. But shes still manageable sometimes.

"So Harry, have you had any signs from well you know..." Hermione trailed off. Questioning Harry if he's heard or seen anything from Voldemort. Shouldn't she be asking me that question? I mean I did see him in full flesh and blood in the Tournament. In fact, that man was made in a cauldron with the blood from my wrist.

"Not really." He stammered.

I lost train of thought as they kept blabbering on. I wasn't listening to a word they were saying. Most of it was irrelevant to me so I had no use in paying any attention.

AN: What do you guys think? Im trying my best to get chapters out quickly. 😅
Dont forget to comment!!! It helps alot with motivation to keep writing and I love reading feedback <3

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