Chapter Four: Dreams

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As anticipated, it was a long way home. I stumbled through the darkness and rain, carrying a dying girl in my arms. Fortunately, Sarah felt really light at the moment, so I was able to carry her over my shoulder with relative ease. My legs, however, were not so lucky.

"It's going to be all right," I assured her between heavy breaths as I hurried up the front steps of my house. I then banged on the door until I was greeted by my mother.

"T-Travis! What're you—? Where have you—? Who is—?"

"No time, Mom. I'll explain later!"

After pushing through the doorway, I bolted upstairs to my room. There, I laid Sarah gently on the bed before dashing to retrieve the vial I needed from the top shelf. Once I had it in hand, I popped off the top and hurried over to her side, praying desperately all the while.

"Drink this," I ordered.

Without a word, Sarah opened her mouth.

Almost instantly after emptying the bottle down her throat, I witnessed her skin start to regain its color, while her wounds quickly healed. However, I still wasn't convinced that she had recovered entirely. After all, both her pulse and her breathing were slightly irregular. In addition, her voice sounded a bit weak.

"That's some powerful stuff," she said. "Where'd you get it?"

"The shelf," I answered stupidly.

Sitting up, the girl looked me straight in the eye. "Travis... you saved my life twice today. I really owe you one."

"Don't sweat it," I said, waving her off. "Just lie back down."

"Lie back down?" she echoed. "But why?"

"Because," I replied, "you need the rest. I'll be downstairs if you need me, okay?"

Sarah pursed her lips. "If you say so."

I hesitated for a moment. "Would you like me to bring up something to eat?"

"No thanks," she said, grimacing. "After drinking that stuff, I lost my appetite. Tasted like liquid metal."

"All right then," I laughed. "Suit yourself." I was just really glad she was all right.

"That I will," she yawned deeply. "Man, you're right: I do need some rest."

"Then go ahead and fall asleep," I told her. "You need that bed more than I do."

"Thank you, Travis Guilder...." She smiled at me. "Thank you so much."

And with that, she literally passed out, so I took it upon myself to put a pillow under her head and covers over her body before heading downstairs. There, my whole family was waiting. They were gathered around the table, staring straight into the depths of my soul... judging me.

I sighed internally, knowing what I had gotten myself into.

Once I was seated with my plate in front of me, my mother broke the silence: "Well? What was that about?"

"Oh, right... my story."

Taking a deep breath, I told them everything—save for the whole bit about Lamerio, since I doubted that was relevant. While I spoke, I couldn't help but notice my dad's eyes widen at the mention of Sarah's last name, "Adaleen." However, he said nothing to explain it.

Once I was finished, my whole family stared at me in dead silence until Mae, my five-year-old sister, shouted, "Travis has a girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend," I whispered sternly. "Now, be quiet, Mae. She's asleep right now."

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