Chapter Five: The Underwater Palace

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Sarah and I came to Lake Pond and waited around for a while, passing the time by skipping rocks on the water. Fortunately, there was no layer of fog this time around, so we were able to see the water's surface. This eventually turned into a contest of sorts, laced with monetary stakes. Surprisingly, I ended up losing terribly. That girl made skipping a round rock look easy.

By the end of it, I was so embarrassed that I accused her of cheating: "There's no way a city girl can skip a rock better than a country guy. You cheated!"

Sarah laughed, "Yeah, right. I beat you fair and square. Just admit it."

After a while of back-and-forth arguing, I ultimately conceded victory. Sure, I owed her money now, but it was only five peitos, so whatever.

Sarah made her final boast: "Ha! That's what you get for placing your confidence in narrowminded cultural assumptions!" She skipped one, last rock across the water, nearly hitting the oaron prince in the face.

"Hey!" cried Lamerio. "At least warn me before throwing something hard at my head!"

"What's up!" I greeted as he swam toward us.

Even after the prince got within conversational range, he remained in oaron form. "Greetings," he said, taking a bow.

"So, why are we here?" I asked, cutting to the chase.

The oaron boy grinned with excitement. "Would you like to see my palace? It is a wonderful place."

"A palace underwater?" Sarah echoed. "How do you fit all that inside this pond?"

"It's actually a small lake," I corrected.

She shot me a glare. "What did I say about narrowmindedness?"

"Nothing," I answered. "The object of the sentence to which you are referring was 'assumptions.' And furthermore, there's nothing 'cultural' about small lakes, you silly city-slicker."

"This abnormally deep body of water was dug up by oarons a long time ago, at the foot of an alpine glacier," Lamerio explained, bringing our antics to a halt. "Now, do you wish to see the palace or not?"

"Only if Blondie here makes me," I said.

The sunny-haired girl hit me on the arm, just below my shoulder. It hurt so badly, I could already feel a bruise starting to form.

"Ahhh," I uttered between clenched teeth, clutching my severely injured arm. "Why would you do that?"

"Be polite!" she snapped.

Lamerio was startled, but for the wrong reason. "Is this how human lovers show affection?" he asked.

Sarah quickly turned bright red. "E-Excuse me? If you think I'd ever date a sack of rocks as dull as that loser, you're sorely mistaken! I have higher standards than that!"

Still rubbing my arm, I decided to redirect the conversation. "So, if humans can't breathe underwater, how are we going to reach your palace?"

The oaron made a dismissive laugh. "I am the descendant of Eldero Aquadrius. There is little I cannot do!"

"For a prince with no social life, you're pretty full of yourself," I snorted.

Sarah hit me again. "Like you're one to talk!"

While I was busy writhing in pain, Lamerio continued, "Do not worry. I shall make an air bubble for the both of you."

"Sounds good," said Sarah. "Is that one for each of us, or...?"

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