Chapter Twenty-Three: Advice

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"King Kemtall, Your Highness." The General bowed to the man sitting at the desk in front of him.

"General Samuel Moreilene," the king greeted in return. "I take it you're here to tell me the plans for tonight and all that?"

The General nodded. "Yes, Your Highness."

It was 6:30 in the morning. The General had dragged the seven children of the Prophecy all the way down to the palace for a meeting with the king, who wanted to meet us. We had to get up at a quarter to six because it took a long time to get to the palace, even with zero traffic around. Felta was the largest city in Aridia, after all.

King Kemtall acknowledged us. "I suppose you're the seven children who are going to save the city?"

We all bowed. Then, stepping forward, Sarah answered, "Yes, we are. I am Sarah Adaleen, descendant of Avion Aridus." Everyone else, including myself, stepped forth one by one, introducing ourselves.

"I am truly honored to meet the Chosen Heroes of the Great Prophecy," the king pronounced. "I hope you do well in the upcoming battle." He turned to Moreilene. "General, what are your plans?"

"We'll meet up at Emerald Harbor before sunset. If things get too intense, you and your bodyguards will flee to the north. There, a helicopter will be waiting to pick you up."

"Why not just take off from the palace grounds?" he asked.

"Because you'd be in the middle of the fray, and the enemy has a knack for shooting things down."

"Ah... carry on then."

The General continued, "While most of the military will be positioned on the coast, my brother and General of the Army, Roger Moreilene, will have forces set up at the eastern edge of the metropolis to take out Adaleen's decoy army. In addition, we will commission a group of soldiers to guard the citizens who did not evacuate at the refuge sites."

"What do you mean by 'decoy army?'" inquired Kemtall.

"According to intel, Adaleen wants us to believe that he will be arriving from the East, so he will be sending some of his men over there to attack. However, given that this force is reported to contain thousands of armed hostiles, we have no choice but to confront them. Once the enemy is dealt with, Roger and his men will quickly join the rest of us in the city. He, myself, and the people guarding the refuge sites will remain in constant contact with you all the while."

"Any word on the high clergy?" he asked.

The General nodded. "We had the high priest call on Pyro through a ritual to fend off Magmos in case he tries to interfere. However, the priest reported that he feels the presence of multiple gods in our midst. Meanwhile, the Narasolan high priest maintains that Lunara and Solan have responded to his ritual, just as they did in Flagport and Averon. Their wards should make it impossible for them to teleport within the city limits, so they'll have to start their invasion from the outside."

"And what about the Prophecy Children?"

Moreilene bit his lip. "Let's just say they'll be crucial."

The King addressed us: "Are you really that powerful?"

"We most certainly are," proclaimed Prince Senti with pride.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty," said Elli. "You can count on us.

"Yeah," chimed Levi, "we're gonna win this one!"

The king heaved a sigh, "I sure hope you're right about that."

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