Chapter Fourteen: Attack of the Matanflee

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"We're getting closer," I heard Cameron mutter to himself as we trudged along the Cursed Road.

"Closer to what?" I asked.

Right as we turned the corner, a giant, freaky-looking tree with a face carved onto it came into view. Dozens of abnormally large crows occupied its branches. Both them and the tree, appeared to be "asleep." And every time the tree "breathed," its branches would rise and fall with it.

The moment he saw it, Cameron whispered sternly, "Stop, and be silent!"

Everyone did as they were told. However, upon stopping, Senti tripped over his own feet and fell. Almost immediately after the birds and tree woke, one of the tree's roots came up from the ground wrapped around Sarah, lifting her upward.

"Sarah!" I cried.

"Travis!" she called back.

Right when I was about to run to save her, the first bird hit the General. Its sharp beak grazed the skin on his face, leaving a bleeding gash on his cheek. Cursing loudly, he ran around trying to swat the birds away with his bare hands. Unable to fend them off, he fell to the ground, curling into a ball to protect himself.

I looked over at Cameron, who was fighting right beside me. He struck a crow with his blade.

Then another.

Then another.

But no matter how many he hit, they just kept on coming. Lola killed tons of crows with each shot, being careful not to waste her arrows, while Lamerio was having trouble hitting them. He definitely needed more practice with his blade. Elli, meanwhile, couldn't use her powers and Levi was out of arrows. Unable to defend themselves, they spent most of their time trying not to get hurt, so they were easily taken up by roots at the same time as the General.

As for Senti, he was nowhere to be found.

While I was busy hacking away at an army of birds—many of which were so tough they were able to get back up after being hit—I heard Sarah's voice speak in my mind:

Travis, look out!

Glancing up, I saw a root coming down over my head. Before it could turn me into a pancake, I stepped out of the way. Then, another root tried to grab me from below, so I jumped over it. I eventually spotted Sarah far away and high up off the ground, so I sprang into action.

Without giving it much thought, I started sprinting for her, dodging roots and slicing birds along the way. I had no idea how I was actually going to get to Sarah, especially considering how high up she was, but that question was answered when I tried to jump over one of the birds. As my right foot landed on top of it, I discovered how sturdy their bodies were. And thus, the most ridiculous plan ever was born. Pushing off that crow, I landed on another, using their backs as stairs, until I came face-to-face with Sarah. I planned to cut her free with my sword, catch her before she could plummet to her death, and then carry her "downstairs."

Like I said, it was a ridiculous plan.

Unfortunately, that was when a root wrapped me up, disarming me in the process. My sword fell thirty or so feet to the ground, but at least Sarah was only three feet away. "Is there anyone left fighting?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I saw everyone but Senti get wrapped up. That coward probably ran away."

"Figures," I sighed.

"You look pretty beat up," she observed. "Does it hurt at all?"

"Yeah, it definitely stings. But at least you still look great."

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