Chapter Eighteen: The Incident in the Garden

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"So, where did the evacuees go?" the General asked through his phone, probably talking to Lieutenant Covario. "Don't worry, this call is protected."

It was about one in the afternoon. The summer sun was blocked out by dark clouds, threatening rain in the near future. We all walked alongside an interprovincial highway, parallel to the Averon River. Cameron had never actually been inside the city limits of Averon, or even any of the suburbs. He had only ever camped out next to its river, so that was the closest place we could warp to.

The General listened intently for the speaker to answer. "All directions but east and west you say? Did anyone go by sea?"

Another pause.

"Closed? Okay then. Are there still civilians in the area?"

Another pause.

"Excellent. That number is a lot smaller than last time. Do you have the refuge locations squared away?"

Another pause.

"Good. I'm sure they'll attack from the east since that's where Mason's scouts reportedly spotted them. Any word on assistance from the local armed forces?"

Another pause.

"Glad to hear it. We'll need all the help we can get. So then, which base are you choosing? Harbor North, Ayrendale South, or Averon Central?"

Another pause.

"I see. Can you come and meet us outside of Amictill on the highway, then? Just track my device and you'll be able to—uh, Jack? You still there?"

His expression flared up with rage.

"SAMSON NARIVADO, RETURN THE PHONE TO JACK AT ONCE, OR I'LL... R-Really? Oh, so that was your sixth? Well, congratulations! Why didn't you mention this earlier? I would've let you see—Y-You did? Well then, where did she give birth?"

The General frowned.

"You teleported all the way to Redfort? In that case, I advise you to take it easy. That must've taxed your strength quite a bit.... Okay, Samson.... Yes, I got it.... Samson, give the phone back to—Yes, Lucy is a lovely name.... What? That makes no—Quit it with the metaphors! Samson, please.... No, Colonel, listen to me.... Narivado.... For the love of Pyro, Samson, give the phone back to Lieutenant Jack this instant, or you're fired!"

The General sighed with relief.

"Thank you."

After a brief pause, he resumed his conversation with Jack:

"As I was saying, can you come get us? Remember, we've got ten people in our group."

He nodded slowly.

"All right, that's good. I'll meet you there. Thanks, Jack." Pressing the button on his phone, Moreilene ended the call.

"Well?" Cameron inquired. "What was that about? And who's Jack?"

"I was just checking on how things are running in Averon and to find out where our party will be picking us up," answered the General. "As for Jack Covario, he's a lieutenant colonel who currently works as the Head Lieutenant of the organization and Division Lieutenant of the Phoenix Division. That being said, he's recently talked about dropping those titles to become a Division Leader: a position that I'm willing to give up. After all, being General is demanding enough as it is."

"How does that system of yours work, anyway?" Cameron inquired.

"As the Phoenix Division Leader," he explained, "Jack will be able choose his Lieutenant, who must be approved by me. Meanwhile, I'll have to pick a Head Lieutenant to replace him, which will probably be Colonel Samson, who is the current Raven Division Leader."

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