Chapter Seventeen: Raven of the Night

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When dinner was ready, we all piled around one of the polished wooden tables in the banquet room.

"This magic food is great, but Sarah's is better," Levi mentioned to Cameron. "Did you just pull this stuff out of thin air?"

"Of course not!" he shouted, flailing his arms about. "Nothing comes from thin air, you imbecile! Don't you know anything about the laws of matter?"

"I'm sorry! Please, don't hurt me!"

Calming down a bit, the violet-eyed boy explained, "I use my magic to store food that has already been prepared. It's like taking leftovers out of the fridge, which I do when I'm feeling too lazy to cook."

"Excuses, excuses," Lola snickered, shaking her head.

Cameron narrowed his eyes at Sarah. "Let me guess: you use 'secret ingredients,' don't you?"

She frowned. "Occasionally. But I've never used any of that stuff when I fed these guys."

"Well, I'm sure you're aware that those ingredients are found in Narida. Only the best cooks know how to use them, which is why my homeland boasts the most talented chefs and the best-tasting food."

"Yeah, well, I'll keep it a secret," Sarah promised with a wink.

"No secrets necessary. After all, it's no secret that I'm better than anyone at cooking." Cameron turned to the dello prince. "Right, Senti?"

He scowled at him. "Every time, I told you, 'No meat!' Yet still, you served me deceased animal tissue!"


"I suppose I am a meat-eater now. But that is only because you tricked me!"

Cameron made a smug grin. "See? I turned this dello here into an omnivore, but only because I'm the greatest chef alive."

"Oh? Well then, maybe we can stage a competition later," Lola suggested, beaming at Sarah. "Don't you think that would be a great idea?"

She shrugged. "I don't see why not...."

Lola clapped her hands with excitement. "Yay! I love food!"

I sat there silently, listening to their conversation. I wasn't really hungry, so I didn't eat that much for dinner. Then, all of a sudden, I began to feel a little queasy and tired, while the pain in my side returned. Noticing this, Sarah rose from her chair and quietly came over to ask if I was okay.

"I'm fine," I lied.

She frowned at me. "You look terrible. Come on, let's get you to bed."

"You leave me no choice," I sighed, getting up from my place. I almost fell because of the pain, but Sarah held me up. "Thanks," I told her.

"No problem."

Elli stared at the two of us with intense concern, as if she were worried about more than just my injury. She started to get up from her chair. "Travis, let me come with you."

"Don't worry," I said. "Sarah's got this."

Hesitating fiercely, the blue-eyed girl slowly sat back down.

Sarah led me to one of the hotel bedrooms one floor below—a modest quarters containing nothing more than a bed with white linen sheets and couple pillows, a nightstand, and a red chair. The sunny-haired girl helped me into the bed, and as I sat there with my legs beneath the covers, I couldn't help but think about how strange she was acting.

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