Chapter Twelve: The Cursed Road

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"That's impossible!" Sarah exclaimed. "You can't just show up and claim you're a child of the Prophecy!"

Senti shrugged. "I am a Chosen Hero, whether or not you choose to believe it. The Guardian of Fora told me herself."

"Guardian of Fora?"

"Never mind that," he said. "I have also come to tell you that I know where Cameron Setler is. He is the Naridan child of the Prophecy."

The General looked very much relieved. "Thank the gods," he said. "This is really good news. General Mason and I have been looking all over for you two!"

"Who's General Mason?" Elli inquired.

He waved her off. "Don't worry about it."

"Cameron is currently staying with his younger sister Lola, at the camp we set up along the Cursed Road," Senti informed him. "It lies within the Forsaken Forest to the north. I shall lead you to him if you desire."

Colonel Samson's bubble popped. "The Cursed Road, eh? Sounds like a one-star joint if you ask me. I'd rather take my luggage elsewhere if you don't mind."

"Why set up camp along the Cursed Road?" asked Moreilene. "And what are you doing away from your tribe?"

"We had no choice but to set up camp there, for we were being pursued by soldiers of the Shadow Army," Senti replied. "And I chose to part from my tribe."

"How come?"

He looked away with a scowl. "That is no business of yours."

The General nodded slowly. "All right... fair enough."

"So, what is the Cursed Road exactly?" I inquired.

Moreilene addressed me with a nervous look. "It's a place of nightmares. It used to be a path winding through a lush, green forest and a small town was located in the middle of it, but that all changed when the Divine Deities cursed it themselves."

"Cursed?" Elli echoed. "By the Divine Deities?"

Colonel Samson grinned. The sun itself was probably jealous of his sparkling, white teeth. "Sounds pretty spooky, right? Almost makes me want to tell a campfire story. I think I'd title it, 'Hotel Cursed Road: Annoying Room Service.'"

The General nodded at Elli. "Lectavus launched an assault on the town hidden within the forest. His attack was failing, so he used a ritual to call upon all six of the Divine Deities to assist him."

"But what do you mean when you say the road is 'cursed?'" Levi asked.

"Well, for one," replied Senti, "you cannot use magic or any of your powers when in the Forsaken Forest, which surrounds the entire road itself."

"How convenient," Sarah grumbled.

"We should get moving," the General pronounced. "Senti, you'll lead us to Cameron once we reach the woods. The rest of the Brotherhood will meet us later, outside Averon."

"Understood," he responded.

And so, Colonel Samson teleported us back to the base, where the General informed the Brotherhood of his plan. From there, they followed us in vehicles along an abandoned trail. Once we reached the Cursed Road at the entrance to the Forsaken Forest, the others bid us farewell, while the General accompanied us into the dark abyss.

* * *

The Forsaken Forest was definitely sketchy. Even though it was midday, the place was dark as night. I could even see a crescent, white moon between the trees. Meanwhile, the trees themselves looked dead and had few leaves on their branches. Upon them sat the occasional screech owl and black crow.

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