Normal Life...Gone

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The sounds of sheets ruffling and moving was heard, as a torso and head than rose up from a bed that he is on. A young boy than rose from his bed, and he began to stretch a little bit from what he had been sleeping inside: his bed. He stretched his arms up, as he awoken, and he open the blinds, as his appearance is revealed. Sitting on the bed, is a young boy, known his his name, Noah. He is at the age of 16. He has black hair that reaches down to his shoulder, black irises, and he is standing at the height of 5'1. Basically, he is rather a little bit short for a 16 year old boy.

He is like any other child. He always goes to high school with his friends, he visited them and plays video games and hung out with them, he does a lot of stuff. He is a very nice guy, as well as a very good son of the family, along with his sister. He than spoke out.

"Mmmm...probably should get up and eat breakfast right now. I'm gonna be meeting up with my friends soon to go to someplace I can be in."

He than stood up, and began to walk around d the place that he is in. He took of his pajamas, and began to put on his clothing, which was king of difficult for him, due to the fact that he is kind of a bit tired inside of his bed, and it made his movements a little bit sluggish. But he was able to get his clothing on perfectly, as he than looks into the mirror, and saw that he is now wearing a pair of black pants with a single blue line going down on both sides, he is wearing a blue shirt with 3 buttons in it. Over his shirt, is a black jacket that reaches down to his knees, with his hood large enough to reach over his face and make a shadow dark enough to hide his eyes. Noah smiled, as he looks nice, before he went down the stairs, and he goes into the kitchen to see his mother cooking something for him.

"Hey, Mom. How are you doing?"

Mom looks at Noah and smiled happily, her blond hair and black irises smiled, as she spoke out to Noah.

"Oh, morning Noah. I made you some breakfast. Your father and sister are also going to come down soon."

Noah smiled, as he looks to see his favorite. He than sat down, and began to eat the breakfast that he has been given onto the table, as he began to eat it like a champ. As he goes and eats, he hears the sounds of footsteps coming down, and he looks to see that it is none other than his father, who has black hair and blue eyes, and his sister, Aisling, her blonde hair and blue eyes, she looks like the embodiment of beauty itself, even more so than the mother, and that made his mother extremely proud of her daughter.

"Morning, beloved."

The mother looks at the father and smiled, as she chuckled.

"Oh, sweetly. You are making me blush now. But that is okay, right?"

The father and mother kissed each other on the lips, as Noah and Aisling looked at each other and spoke out.

"So, Aisling, you plan on doing something today, sis?"

Aisling spoke out to her brother.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go to and see my favorite music band."

This made Noah looked at Aisling, and spoke into to her.

"No way. Which one is it?"

Noah the has Aisling lean against Noah's ear and whispered what it is. Than he spoke out.

"Sis, that's amazing. I'm actually planning on going there as well with my friends. You plan on inviting your friends to go and see it?"

Aisling nodded her head, as she spoke out.

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