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A blue flash of light appeared into the air, as Dream, Silence, and Noah crashed into the ground, which is covered in a layer of snow, and Noah accidentally got a mouthful of the snow. He then sat up on his knees, and he spat the snow out of his mouth. He continues to gag for a little bit, as he then spoke out.

"God, I am really getting tired of this!"

As he said that, Dream and Silence look around, as they saw that they are now in a strange and different Alternate Timeline version of the original Universe that had started the AUs. However, this one does not look like it has life in it at all. In fact, this one looked empty, like it is devoid of all life from the beginning. This made Dream and Silence concerned, as they looked around, as Dream than spoke out.

"Where are we?"

Silence than looks at Dream and shrugged his shoulders, as he then turns his head back to Noah before Noah then spoke out to Dream and Silence.

"Didn't think you guys would be able to follow me to this place again."

Dream looks at Noah and spoke out to him.

"Do you know of this place, Noah?"

Noah looked at Dream in the eye sockets and nodded his head, before he then spoke out to him.

"Yeah, I do. This is the place that I had went to when I had to flee from my home, and this is where I had used my powers for the first time. So admittedly, I found this place on pure accident."

This surprised Dream again, but he does not question him further, as Silence looked around, and spoke out to Dream.

"Nothing...there's nothing that can be sensed. No life, nothing present there. No positive feeling or negative feeling of any kind of any sort...in this AU. It's simply empty. It's like this AU...has been scrapped and has never been completed...in any sort of way. It is simply Snowdin. Everything else...nothing.

Dream looks at Silence, before he looked everywhere, as he then spoke out.

"Well, at least there is one good thing. Because of the fact that there is no one here, the chance of Vantablack finding us is very slim, almost to the point that we would be unnoticed by him. Still, there's something that bothers me."

Noah looks at Dream with concern in his eyes, as he then spoke out to him.

"What's wrong?"

Dream looks at Noah in the eyes, as he then spoke out to him, with Silence listening to whatever it is that Dream is about to say.

"Vantablack said something about a group of some kind, and that they had been helping him in making the spreading of his corruption to AUs much easier than before. And this is really making me worried. What group is he referring to? And more importantly, what do they want with him?"

Dream began to think, as he puts his fingers on his chin, and he began to think a little bit of what it is that he is thinking. And it is obvious that whatever it maybe in his mind is not a pleasant thought at all.

"Perhaps they might be working on helping Vantablack spread negativity. This is likely the case. And if that is what they are planning, then we need to make haste. We need to find someone that can help us in this."

Dream than looks at Noah, and Noah has an odd sensation that he is not going to like the request that Dream is likely going to ask him, and sure enough, when Dream spoke out something to him, he is quite right on his instinct.

"Noah, are you able to use your powers to take us somewhere that can help us find an ally that can help us with this mess?"

This made Noah stunned, as he stepped back, and he then spoke out to him.

The Alternate Multiversal Traveler (Female CORE Frisk X OC)Where stories live. Discover now