Danger Approaches

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It had been about...2 weeks, since Noah and Core had a date. And needless to say, things got a little bit...embarrassing for Noah. Due to the fact that Noah was able to get through the Date without any sort of accident that he did not get himself involved into, Core's behavior had changed over Noah. She had somehow gotten very possessive over him, and her possession over him is so much rhet if any female asks him out, she will appear and act very creepy to them in such a way that they would leave Noah by himself. And than, there is when he starts to go to bed. Whenever Noah feels sleepy and wants to rest in a bed, Core would suddenly be sleeping next to Noah, and wound wrap her arms around Noah, which made Noah very embarrassed to the point that he wound the to escape, only for Core to continuing hugging him without any desire to let him go. He does all he can to escape from this, even to the point of going underneath a bed or by sleeping in the bathtub in the bathroom, but Core will simply pick him up and carry him to his bed and sleep with him. And needless to say, it has caused him nothing more than embarrassment to him. But he does it complain or even protest, as Core loves him a lot, and he refuses to hurt her feeling and make her feel very sad, especially since she had worked very hard to try and be with him. At least Noah is having the time of his life, in a way, he guessed. Whenever others question him about the relationship between Noah and Core, Noah wound try and deflect the talk by changing it to another topic. But it seems that some people just won't leave him alone, because if they does not work, and they still try to question him on it, than he will simply walk away. But if they follow him, then he will simply teleport back to that abandoned Alternate Timeline that had not been finished.

But Core did not seem to care about that. In fact, she cares little of what others think of the relationship between herself and Noah. As far as she is concerned, she had gotten something from him, and she does not plan to waste it. In fact, she does all she can to sleep with him and hang out with him. And since she is everywhere at once and is Omnipresent, except in another Multiverse, she is constantly with Noah, and will not leave him, even if he does go to another AU, she will manifest there. And Core had even placed Noah's head inside a spot of her that he does not want to talk about, due to how embarrassing it is for him. In fact, he wound absolutely not talk about it. But Noah does not seem to mind, because as long as she is happy, than he will be happy, all for her sake. In fact, he doesn't it complain, nor does he feel bad about it, as he will endure these embarrassing moments that Core puts him into, but it is supposed to show that she loves him, that he guesses.

But now switching the topic that involves Dream!Sans. Quite a lucky thing about this, is that Dream is starting to get more and more better. His vessel is getting more and more stronger by the passing weeks, and he is able to stay awake for more and more longer periods of time, to the point that he can be awake for a whole entire 12 hours, but he will still succumb to his insanity. However his vessel still has a tends up to become damaged out of nowhere, as Dream would have cracks sometime appear on his body, and at rare times, will have positivity leak out of his body, only to be absorbed back into him through his crown. But other than that, Dream is doing fairly well, and is not in so much pain. In fact, he is starting to get more and more stronger as time goes on, his vessel growing more and more powerful, as he continues to rest. In just one more day, which is likely when tomorrow starts, Dream will be up and running again. Well, more like up and flying again, due to the fact that he has 2 large pairs of wings on his back, since flying is a much more better way to move than running on one's feet. Though Noah is curious how fast he can run on foot, now that he has gotten more of the Golden Apples inside did his own body. Well, it doesn't matter, since Dream, as long as he is up, he will be able to act like how he normally acts again.

And Dream's aura is also continues to grow more and more stronger, as Noah felt something whenever he feels the positivity aura. He feels like he is reliving all of the nice days that he had back with his family again, being with them in their most spectacular and most happiest moments in his life. And it is because of this that Dream is able to make Noah feel better by being in his presence. Whenever he feels like he needs some time to make himself feel more safer again, he will go near the Dream, and he wound feel his aura, as well as the power of the Golden Apple inside of Noah's body, as he wound feel what it is that he had consumed before in the past. But the thing is, whenever he does that, Core would also appear and be with Noah whenever that happens. And also, Core needs to also check on Dream to see how he is doing, even though she knows how Dream is doing by the use of her Void Eyes in order to see everything amid anything in existence. And being with Noah made the visit a bit more pleasant than ever before, as well as the fact that Core seems to enjoy being with Noah, although it's also because of the Golden Apple inside Noah.

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