LV 20 Cross

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As Noah laid onto the ground of the Omega Timeline, he shook his head, clearly unhappy that he had gotten himself involved in this. He than stood up, and looked around, as he saw that they are in the middle of the Omega Timeline's city. When that happened, Core suddenly appeared, and she looks around, before she than notices that there's Dust Sans, but with a scythe. She than smiled, but not in a very happy way, as she looked down at Noah, as she than spoke our.

" you mind explaining to me why there is a Dust Sans inside of the Omega Timeline!"

Noah, however, raised his hands into the air, as he than spoke out, being only a little bit intimidated by Core.

"Ó Dhia, don't blame me. It wasn't my idea. That was Ink's, I had nothing to do with this."

This made Core snap her attention to Ink, who flinched, as she than spoke out.

"Ink, do you mind explaining yourself."

Ink for very scared, but he told her as much as she can in order to calm her as much as she can. When he finished, Core finally calmed down, as she than spoke out.

"The next time that you do this, I am going to make sure that you tell me everything, before you try something that could have made the Omega Timeline in danger."

Ink than spoke out.

"Sorry, Core. But there was not enough time. Had I stayed in the Omega Timeline and tried to explain everything to you, than Nightmare would have grabbed them and taken them to their base. Besides, you have Omni-Sight, and you can see anything and everything."

This made Core sweat dropped and seem a little bit annoyed, as she than spoke out.

"I'm still an individual, and although, while I may be omnipresent, that does not always mean I will notice absolutely everything, despite being everywhere in the Multiverse at once."

Ink spoke out.

"Yeah, sure."

Although it is obvious to Noah that Ink does not think of this as an excuse, and even Core noticed it, as Noah decided to leave and get out of the area before the argument could get messy. Taking a deep breath, Noah began to leave, as he than used his power to teleport out of here. But ad he did, Dream saw him and ran up to him to see what is wrong, only for Dream to be teleported along for the ride.

When the shine was gone, Dream and Noah were back into the abandoned Alternate Timeline, as Noah than spoke out.

"Didn't expect for you to join in, Dream."

Dream looked at Noah and spoke out.

"You seemed to be unhappy for some reason. Is something wrong?"

Noah shook his head, as he spoke out.

"No, nothing is wrong, and it not that. I'm just a little bit...tired. I guess you can say that, mainly because this is, in a way, too much for someone such as me to handle this sort of thing. Don't know how much I can take this thing."

Dream nodded, as he than watched as Noah sat down behind the tree, while Dream comes up to Noah and sat down next to him, as Noah than spoke out.

"So...what is it like, being this...powerful, with all of the Golden Apples you have eaten."

Dream looked down, as she than spoke out.

"It first, it felt...painful, and admittedly, I felt like I was driven a little bit crazy, but then...after the week, I had become much more calmer, and I no longer feel crazy. Now, I feel like I am able to do anything with my powers, as well as feeling much more braver and stronger. Although I am not entirely brave and confident, as there are still some spots that made me not as confident as I want myself to be."

The Alternate Multiversal Traveler (Female CORE Frisk X OC)Where stories live. Discover now