Something Surprisingly Useful

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Noah...he just can't believe it. He just cannot believe what he had gone through. Noah, he had lost everything. He lost his friends, his family, his sister, his home. And all in just one day. And to top it all off, he somehow has an ability that allows him to go to sudden many Multiverses, and along the way, he has met Silence and Dream, the Guardians of Positivity, Template, the Protector of AUs, and the Meme Squad, which he thinks is still a very silly and ridiculous name. Luckily, the squad are very nice people, as well as the ones that he has met, despite being counterparts of each other, counterparts of a Skeleton named Sans. And even worse for him, is that he is found by the ones that are responsible for his situation, Vantablack, Nightmare, and Shattered Dream, the leader of whom is responsible for taking away the home he had. He just can't believe...that this happened to him. At times, he wants to still think that this is nothing more than a sick bad dream that he is expecting right now. But other times, he is well aware that this is not a dream, and that he cannot deny that the thing that he's in is all too real.

He looks everywhere, so conflicted and confused as to why this is happening to him and his world. He and his Universe, they had nothing to do with whatever they team had wanted, and yet, he is dragged into this. He is dragged into something that is way too big and too dangerous for him to do. It is amazing that he had gotten out of the situation that he is in, especially since he had found some people that's been able to protect him. He sat there, in a fetal position, his shoulders and his head against a pillow, as he looked down at himself, very traumatized at what had just happened to him from that time. He really wishes that his family and friends were here, but he knows that it will likely not happen.

As he looked down, he than felt his locket touching against his chest, acknowledging its presence, and held onto it. He gripped his hands tightly around it, as if he is afraid to let it go. He than looked down at the locker, as he then held it in his one hand, and opened it, showing the picture of his family in the sunny day that there were once it, before Vantablack had taken it away. He cannot believe that this has happened, and he felt sadness beyond anything that he found have ever felt. He tries all he can to not cry, but he cannot help it. He felt a tear leak out and down from his eyes, as he than closed the locker, and gripped it tightly. He than positioned the pillow back into its usual position, as he than closed his eyes, as he silently cried himself to speak, letting his sadness pour out, but does not speak a word, nor does he make a sound. He cries silently to a saddened sleep, as the last thoughts that are in his mind, are of his family, and of their frightened faces, burned into his mind.

As Noah lied down, his back facing the door, CORE Frisk than made a body inside of his room and appeared behind him. She looks down at Noah and felt sad for him. She knows of what happened, even though he had been from a Multiverse that is separate from him, which would make her not know, as well as the fact that Noah told them everything that had happened to him, and she felt back for him. She than sat down next to him, as she spoke out.

"Noah, can you talk to me?"

This made Noah surprised, as he than began to awaken, and he than began to open his eyes, he wiped the tears off of his face, as he turns to look at CORE, as he felt surprised that she is seeing him, until he than spoke out.

"Oh, C-Core, I didn't see you come in."

Core than spoke out.

"I simply appeared on your room. Are you okay?"

Noah than looked down, and spoke out.

"No, I'm not."

Core nodded her head, having expected such an answer like that. She than sat down next to him, as she looks for at him, as she is surprisingly taller than him. She than thought of her words for a little bit, before she than spoke out.

The Alternate Multiversal Traveler (Female CORE Frisk X OC)Where stories live. Discover now