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Noah...he has no idea where he is at right now. He honestly wished that...this was all a dream. He is shaking and is hugging himself, his arms wrapped around his legs, which are tucked into his chest, as he starts to speak out.

"This is only just a dream. Just a simple dream, right? Yeah, that's right, wake up, Noah. You're only imagining that this stuff is happening inside of you head. Come on, just wake up. Wake up!"

But no matter what Noah says to him, no matter what he thinks, no matter what he tries to assure to himself as being, no matter if he slaps himself on his face or not to try and convince himself of what to think of this situation, the answer is going to be the same for him. He is still inside of that unfamiliar place that he is in, as he hugs himself, and his face looks like he is trying all in vain to reassure to himself that he is still okay, that he's simply dreaming. Unfortunately, in vain reassurance is.

"Come on, Noah. You can wake up. You'll be in bed, you'll see your friends again, you'll see that you are in your room again, sunshine hitting your face, you'll even see mom and dad again., DAD!!!!! AAAGGGGGGGHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAGH!!!"

Noah can't handle it anymore, as he than began to cry his entire heart out. He cannot lie to himself anymore. He remembers this too well to even try to lie to himself, to convince himself that it is all just a simple bad dream. This place he is in, all of the stuff that he has just witnessed, it is all too real. He cannot get it out of his head, no matter what he said or does, no matter how much he tries to convince himself of the situation, he cannot escape the reality that he is in, not even in the reality inside of his own head. And now, here he is, inside of a house that is empty and looking like it has been a abandoned just recently.

As Noah continues to cry, he then suddenly felt an object clatter onto the ground, and it made Noah stop sobbing momentarily. He than looks, and sees a golden locket on the ground. He reaches out to it, and grabs onto the locket, before he then opens it, and sees what is inside. Inside of the locket, is a picture of himself, his mother, his father, and his one year older sister, Aisling, all of them together, at what appears to be a part wit a bunch of trees, with the sun behind all 4 of them. Noah looks at the locket, and he clenched his fist over it, as he felt like there is a type of strong welt growing inside of where his heart is. He felt his heart beginning to throb, as renewers tears began to fall down his face. But he looks up, and he began to remember all the times that he had spent with them, all the friends that he had made in his time at home. He fished into his pocket, and he than saw that he still had his iPhone, and it is still charged up, and while not at full power, it is certainly enough for him to look through the photos. He than looked at the photos that he had inside of his Album App, and he felt more and more sad, as he looked at all the good times that he had with them. And now, now...he has lost them, all in one day. He cannot see them ever again. But he closed his eyes, and he began to think to himself. He realizes that he cannot give up right now. He needs to find a way out of here.

"I...I cannot give up like this. I...I must keep on moving. I cannot let myself go this easily. I need...I'm gonna need to find a way out of this place I'm in. But where do I start?"

Noah said to himself, as he than stood up from the ground, and puts his phone away. Thankfully, he still has his backpack, and it carried some food inside of his backpack. But they won't last forever. He needs to use them are sparingly as he can. And he has no idea if there are some food for him to eat inside of this place. And he doubts that there are. So he'll go and look for a way out.

Noah than stood up, and began to look around the house. He went to the front door, and he looked through the other side. But as soon as he did, he felt a cold breeze hit his face. Thankfully, he is wearing a jacket, but it is still freezing for Samael. And he looked outside, to see that he is in a strange town of sorts.

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