Hanging out with Core

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A blue flash or light appeared in the Omega Timeline, next to Core and Ink, who are somehow still in an argument of some kind, and it is kind of a funny argument, and they turned around to see that Noah had came back, with another version of Cross. But what they saw shocked and frightened them. In Cross' arms, is Dream, who's body had been cracked and had positivity coming out from the cracks, although the smaller cracks in the fingers and arms did heal, as well as most of the legs and skull. But some of the larger cracks are taking a bit more longer to heal Dream. He also has 2 pairs of wings on his back, and the crown seems to be glowing.

"What happened? Noah, what happened?"

Noah sighed, and he began to explain everything as much as he can. When he finished, Core looked a little bit upset, as she than spoke out.

"Honestly, I really can't let you go alone, huh?"

Noah than spoke out.

"Hey, don't blame me! It was not what I wanted! Plus, Shattered, he came out of nowhere, and tried to corrupt the Golden Apples, as well as try to take this version of Cross away! There was no choice in that moment, we weren't ready for him to appear so suddenly in that Multiverse!"

Core signed, as he pinched her nose, before she spoke out.

"Figured you would say that, and since Dream is at risk of turning crazy, we need to give him some sedatives, so that he can find a way to calm himself, as well as for his body to heal itself, or put him into a coma for him to make him regain his sanity, and see if he will wake up as his normally good self. And Noah, from now on, I'm going to be watching over you, just so you don't disappear, until Dream wakes up, and he is completely sane again. And don't argue with me, Noah, because I am not going to change my mind."

Noah sighed, as he was afraid that she would say that. But alas, there is nothing that can do. As he said that, Core than leaned against Noah, and poked Noah in the cheek, as he spoke out.

"And besides, after a week, you owe me one thing, after putting yourself in danger again. You owe me a date."

This made Noah stunned, as he turned around and looked at Core, before speaking out.


Core smiled, as she spoke out to Noah.

"You heard me, Noah. You need to make it up by dating me, simple as that."

Core than puts her fingers into her eye sockets, and Noah felt a bit freaked out, as she pulls out a phone from her head, as Noah spoke mentally to himself.

'Damnú!! How does she do that?!'

Core then held her phone, and Noah, unknowing to even himself, takes out his phone, as Core grabs it and she types in her phone number into Noah's phone, as it is used to text him, as Noah looks at Core, with Core smiling at him sweetly, but Noah could feel something sinister from that, as Core than spoke out to Noah.

"Hopefully, you are ready for the date that you are going to have with me, Cutie."

Noah felt like he had just smacked himself into a wall, as he thought out to himself.

'I am so gonna mess up the date with Core.'

1 Week Later...

It has been a week, since Dream has gotten into a medically induced coma, and not without reason. Apparently, even though Dream's vessel has began to grow strong, even after about 3 weeks, it did not reach the full strength of durability and adaptability. In fact, Dream was not even ready to eat more apples, meaning that Noah had pushed Dream ahead of the limit that is constantly growing until it stopped. And thus, since Dream is nearly insane from the power of the Golden Apples and needs time to recover and reduce the insanity enough for it to finally go away, he needs to stay in an induced Coma. And if he were to take up, depending on the reaction, if he freaks out, than that means he is still insane. But if he starts to be calm, than he can remain awake, as Dream tries all he can to recover from the craziness that he has. And back to the problem with the vessel. Because Dream ended up pushing himself past the limit more than last time, he needs to wait a little bit more longer for his Vessel to grow stronger than ever before. And by estimate of Scientist Sans, it is likely that Dream will need to wake up after the second week, but even after that, his body will need to strengthen itself to the full extent after 2 weeks. So basically, his body is strengthening for a month. His body is still damaged though, but he is healing a bit from the stunt he pulled off. And hopefully, when he fully heals, his ability to regenerate will be a lot more stronger than ever before.

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