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It has been...a very long time, since Dream had been given an increase in power, thanks to Noah. It may have been about a total of 3 weeks since Noah has been able to give Dream the hidden few hundreds of Golden Apples that still remained in Dreamtale, Dream's former home and AU of origin. Of course, Nightmare and the other members of Team Void, they were unaware of that sort of fact, as they have not entered the Omega Timeline yet and see Dream the way that he is currently looking like now.

Of course, there were some temporary side-effects to Dream when he had taken that apples. One of which, is something that had effected Nightmare when he ate the Negativity Apples, and that is when the amount of applew, as he continued to eat them, began the drive Dream crazy. He had almost wanted do try and find more of it, because he wants to, but thankfully, he was able to restrain himself, though it can still pop up now and then. And another side-effect, is that during the time when he was eating the apples, his vessel began to crack and break, due to the strain of having to contain the power that Dream was feeling, as the amount of Positivity within Dream increased to the point that he was staring to go past the limit once he reached the 290th Apple. However, after a week of rest, it began to close and heal itself up, and soon, he was as good as new.

Both effects stopped after the first week, and when that happened, Dream began the practice his powers over positivity, both in his main strength when not empowered by it, and when he absorbs positivity into himself in order to make himself or his allies stronger. The result was something that is very interesting.

Apparently, due to Dream having eaten as many Golden Apples as he could, thanks to Noah having brought them to the Omega Timeline, Dream's physical body is now a bit more different than before. He is now possessing much more durable bones, making him much harder to crack and even break, and Dream, even when he is damaged, he is able to regenerate his body. However, his healing, while quicker than ever before, is not instantaneous, now the time limit is cut in half, and Dream is able to heal in half an hour, or, in other words, 30 minutes in total. However, thanks to his enhanced durability, damaging him will be a lot more difficult than ever before. He can also use his power to heal other people, and while it will drain his soul, it won't drain as much and as badly as when he simply had the single Golden Apple that he had.

His aura is also amplified much more than ever before in the past. Due to Dream's enhanced power of now having consumed 333 Golden Apples, he can now effect the entirety of the Universe that he is on, but is not powerful enough to reach the Alternate Universes that are close to the Universe that Dream would be on. Because of this, he still needs to move to spread his positive, although less this time, due to Dream being able to use his Positivity to effect an AU that he is in, one at a time.

When it comes to his Empathy, the limit of it has increased to the whole AU in being able to absorb it, although he can still sense it with limitless range. His power over absorption of Positive Emotions, speaking of which, have also increased, his powers now being able to amplify to much more stronger levels than before. His Positivity Aura had increased where it can not only give people positive emotions, or simply let them out into the outside world, but it also can make the people affected by it to remember their most happiest moments in their lives, as a reminder of how much their lives mean so much than even they can realize. His arrow that is made and condensed from the positive feelings of other people, when fired with his bow, is now as powerful as the heat of the sun, although it only affects those that have been affected by the black apple, such as Nightmare or Vantablack. His ability to made a dome with his powers has also changed, now being much more durable than before, too the point that Nightmare will take a lot more longer to try and break than ever before. The only one that is left unchanged is his ability to transport himself or other people to a place that is filled with Positivity.

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