Hes Back.//Angst

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Grian finds that a certain someone from his highschool years is back.

!!Warnings: $@M, YHS, Blood, Heavy Angst, A Lottt of Gore, Swearing!!

Word Count: 796

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Grian stumbled into the cave, yawning sleepily as he held onto one of the rocky walls for balance. He looked at the giant neon violet rift in front of him, sighing.

"Why cant i just figure you out.." Grian rubbed his right eye, adjusting his brown goggles and pushing them up onto his head. God he was tired. How long had it been since he last slept? A month or so probably. Mumbo would so reprimand him for that later. The sleep deprived man yawned again, pulling out his research book and writing with his usual messy script.

"Day ----,

Nothing new sadly, the rift is still the same. Its still glowing the same bright purple as always, still being so infuriating. I just wish i could figure out more. This is so annoying."

Grian groaned, quickly shutting the lightly worn book. He threw it onto one of his chests carelessly, brushing his messy, dusty blond hair away from his face. The male turned to leave the cave, then heard a noise come from the rift behind him.

He quickly spun around to investigate, then froze in pure fear. Someone had come out of the portal. Someone he really, really, didnt want there.

It was Sam.

(Sorry if i get sams personality wrong btw, ive only watched a few episodes of yhs *cries*)

"Hello 'Taurtis'. How have you been?." Sam smiled menacingly, glaring at Grian through his fluffy brown hair that covered half of his face.

Grian backed up slightly, terrified of the man that had cone out of the rift. "I-Im not Taurtis! My name is Grian!" The small mans wings puffed up slightly out of frustration, wrapping around him to attempt to protect himself from anything Sam might do.

"No. Youre Taurtis. You. Are. Taurtis." Sam walked over to him, grabbing Grians left shoulder and pulling out a knife. "You are Taurtis. Grian is gone."

The winged builder pushed the rabbit hooded man away from him and to the ground, his expression full of pure terror. "G-get away from me! Im not fucking Taurtis!. You killed him long ago!. Dont come near me you monster!." Grian backed up, turning around quickly and running out of the cave, Sam swiftly following after he got to his feet.

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(The song 'Tag your it' may or may not have been playing while writing this next bit)

Grian was running, running, and running. Sam was still behind him, obviously not giving up. The shorter man was getting extremely tired, both from the exercise and the lack of sleep. But he had to keep running. He couldnt let Sam catch him. He made a mistake talking back like that. Now he was probably going to die.

After slowing down a bit from exhaustion, Grian fell to the ground, his legs giving up on him entirely. He tried to get up but failed, collapsing onto the soft grass below him.

'Cmon Grian, just get up! You can just fly away! Cmon!!' And yet he stayed on the ground, attempting to catch his breath.

Sam walked up to him, that menacing smile from before never dropping from his expression. "Seems the little birdy cant fly, huh?. Come on Taurtis, just listen to me. Stop 'pretending' to be Grian." The murderous brunette pulled the winged shorter man to his feet, holding him there with a knife to the blondes throat. "Its not a hard decision. Just say yes, and i wont hurt you."

Grian shoved Sam away once again, wincing at how the knife cut his neck slightly. "Im not Taurtis you bitch!. Stop making me try to fucking be him!. Taurtis is dead!. You fucking killed him!. Deal with it!."

"...." Sam lunged at Grian, stabbing him in the throat, causing the hybrid to not be able to scream. Grian tried his best to get away, but the insane man continued to stab him all over, ripping apart the shorter ones wings in a form of torture. He tore Grians clothes in several places, stabbing through the mans blood soaked jumper. Sam continued to attack Grian, leaving a giant fucked up cut across his face. The winged man had passed out from the pain, and from blood loss.

Sam kicked Grian away from him, walking out of the woods. He had left the blood covered knife in one of the injured mans wounds, but he didnt care. He walked back to where he came from before, stepping into the rift and getting sent back to his timeline.

"Goodbye, Charles Batchelor."

(Lmfao sorry about any mistakes :,] im a mere dumbass with half a braincell that magically produces ideas)

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