Mine.//Angst 1/2

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Hi its currently 12 in the damn morning and im getting yandere scarian ideas so this is now a thing :D cough cough totally didnt get a lot of inspiration from Akari3108 and WelshKitsunes fanfics nonono i would never- anyways- btw this is based in 3rd life [but lowkey mixed with double life for the secret soulmate thing] because the scarian potential shall be fulfilled

!!Warnings: Swearing, Gore, Blood, Violence, Abuse, Lots of Angst!!

Word Count: 1290 [finally another long one]

[also yes we are just jumping into the angst]

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Grian cried out as he was pinned to the sandy ground, attempting to push away against his strong attacker. "IM SORRY SCAR IM SORRY!- I WONT DO IT AGAIN I PROMISE!-"

"OH YOU WILL BE SORRY ONCE IM DONE GRIAN!!. YOU BETRAYED ME FOR BIGB AND NOW YOU'LL PAY!. YOU'RE MINE AND ONLY MINE!." Scars bright ruby eyes shined menacingly in the setting sun, his gray face smiling with bloodlust as he pulled at the dusty blondes wings. Grian desperately tried to kick him away, but to no avail. There was a quiet crackle, almost drowned out by the hybrids screams, then it turned into a loud snap.

The injured man headbutted the red life in the skull, causing him to fall away as Grian shakily got to his feet and backed away, tears streaming down his face from pain.


"AND?! PROMISES ARE JUST WORDS, GRIAN!. NOW GET BACK OVER HERE!. YOU DESERVE THIS FOR BREAKING MY TRUST YOU LITTLE SHIT!." Scar stood up and angrily walked towards Grian as the shorter man shrank away in fear. The red life grabbed him by the collar of his ripped red jumper, holding him in the air.

"P-PUT ME DOWN!! IT H-HURTS!! PLEASE SCAR! I-I WONT DO IT A-AGAIN!!!" He squirmed and kicked as the taller man punched him senseless. Because Scar was so consumed by bloodlust, he didnt pay any attention to chat. So, when he thought Grian was dead, he dropped his bloody body onto the sandy ground and walked away, smirking.

But, as soon as the gray skinned almost-murderer was gone, the green life slowly and painfully tried to stand up, almost crying out because of his now broken leg. He crawled over to a dead bush, taking one of the branches and using it as a cane. Slowly and quietly, Grian made his way out of the desert, and to his flowered allies area.

As he knocked on the door, he winced at how much it hurt to even make his hand into a fist. After a small bit, someone answered the door. It was Timmy.

"Oh hey Grian- wait- GRIAN?! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?! SCOTT GET OUT HERE!!" Tim gently picked Grian up in his arms, careful not to hit his wings.

Scott walked out of his house across from Tims, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "What is it? I was sleeping,,"


"Wait- GRIAN! Alright lets get you inside and patch you up- then your telling us who did this."

As the three headed into Scotts hobbit hole, Grian internally feared for his friends safety. What if Scar found out he was here and hurt him again? What if he hurt Tim and Scott.. No, he wouldnt. They were his allies too after all! But he almost killed Grian and theyre supposed to be a team, partners in crime, theyre supposed to be boyfriends.

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It had been quite a while sense the whole incident happened, and Grian was starting to get better now! He could kind of walk, although he needed a cane, he could move his wings a little, and his smaller wounds were healed! Timmy and Scott were taking great care of him as he recovered, and the bird hybrid would be forever thankful. Although, a certain grey skinned, red eyed, scarred man wasnt too happy about his partner being gone.

A knock came from the front door of Scotts house. As the teal haired man answered it, he was startled to find that it was the man himself, GoodTimeWithScar. Shit.

"Oh! Hey Scar! What are you doing here?"

"To see if Grian is here. Ive searched everywhere for him and you guys are the last people i havent checked with. Have you seen him?." The man stared at Scott with emotionless scarlett eyes as the teal haired man just shrugged.

"Nope, havent seen him at all,"

There was a yell from inside the house, it was Timmy yelling out about Grian being wreckless.

"Well that was a lie. Im coming in." Scar pushed past Scott agressively, following the sound of Tim and Grians screaching. The green was following him and attempting to block his way, afraid for the parrot hybrids safety.

As soon as Scar reached the room, he walked up behind Grian, grabbing him by the arm and pulling the man towards himself. "There you are Dove! Ive been looking everywhere for you!"

The shorter man froze in fear, shrinking a bit smaller out of fear. He didnt say anything, mostly because of just plain old being afraid, but also because he knew that look in Scars eyes. If he said one wrong word, he would get hit. The red life wrapped his arms around the hybrids torso 'protectively' as Scott came into the room, pulling Grian away to safety.

"Leave him alone Scar. You hurt him. He doesnt want to be near you."

"Oh cmon Scott. Hes my boyfriend. What happens between us is none of your business."

"It is when my friend is getting abused and almost dying!." The teal haired man pulled out a sword, pointing it at the reds throat angrily.

"He was fine! He just needs to suck it up!"

Grian spoke now, walking out from behind Scott with his cane, glaring at Scar. The green life put his weapon away hesitantly, watching what was about to happen.  "Really now? I just need to 'suck it up'? Is that really it? Wow, didnt know that the answer to being abused throughout my childhood, most of highschool, and almost the entirety of this fucking 'game' was to just SUCK IT UP!. I COULDNTVE GUESSED!. WOW SCAR YOUR SUCH A GOD DAMN GENIUS!. IVE NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE!. TO JUST SUCK IT UP AND DEAL WITH THE PAIN!. TOTALLY DIDNT DO THAT MY ENTIRE LIFE, EVEN WHEN IT WAS LIFE THREATENING!. YOUR SO FUCKING SMART!."

The parrot hybrid punched Scar in the chest, knocking the breath out of him for a second. Once he got to his senses, the human grabbed Grian by the collar of his jumper and pulled him close enough to wrap the other arm around him.

"Oh cmon Dove, you know i didnt mean it like that, seems these two have been turning you against me." He tossed the green life to the ground, taking his cane so the injured man couldnt get up. Taking out a sword, he tackled Scott to the ground, swiftly stabbing him in the chest multiple times.

Smajor1995 was slain by GoodTimeWith Scar.

Timmy cried out, rushing over and pulling Scar off of his dead husbands body. Scar smirked, grabbing the fellow red by the back of his shirt and throwing him across the room

"Now. I will be taking my Grian back home. And you two are no longer allies of the desert people."

"F-fucking good... I regret being your ally anyways.." Tim hissed, wiping tears of pain and sadness from his eyes. Scar picked up the injured hybrid on the ground, walking out of the hobbit hole.

Grian was his and only his.

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